Ep 30 - Wrath of Bowser (Season 2 Finale)

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Part 1: The Warp Land Wand Heist

Mario: That was one great battle against Robo-Koopa!

Luigi: We've permanently defeated the Koopa Klan!

Mario: No Koopas for life! We've banished them! But who knows where they've gone too...

In Warp Land...

King Koopa: NOOOOOO!!! My plans of taking over the Mushroom Kingdom! RUINED! It's all thanks to you brats!

Cheatsy: But King Dad, we've tried our best. We're kids, Dad.

King Koopa: Lying, sneaking, cheating, and evil kids that are being raised by me!

Hip: The doomship is-

Hop: Destroyed, King Dad.

King Koopa: WHAT...? That's it! I am going to... uh... Where are we anyways?

Kooky: The Mushroom Kingdom map computer still works on the doomship, your gnarliness. It says we are in Warp Land! The place that controls time periods.

King Koopa: Woah! We can make our assault on the Mushroom Kingdom! Mario and those worthless friends of his will find out the true meaning of evil. To Warp Land's castle, kids! We are making our ultimate rampage!

In the Mushroom Kingdom...

Mario: I just love lemonade! Don't you, Luigi?

Luigi: Uh, yeah, Mario. I kind of miss kicking that reptile's butt out of the kingdom.

Mario: Already? It's only been three days.

Luigi: I know, but, it was fun.

Mario: I've done all these missions and I haven't lost one pound.

Luigi: Oh come on! I only weigh 120 pounds.

Mario: I am about 250!

Luigi: Eating too much lasagna, I should say.

Mario: Hey, what's that over there?

Luigi: It looks like a giant warp-hole! Let's check it out.

They take the warp pipe to Pipe Land and gaze upon the warp-hole.

Mario: Looks mighty big, huh, Luigi?

Luigi: Hey, yeah, and something suspicious has come to me! Portals and warp-holes come from Warp Land!

Mario: You don't think...

Luigi: Let's go in.

They enter the warp-hole.

Meanwhile in Warp Land Castle's throne room...

King of Warp Land: What do you want from me?

King Koopa: The wand you're holding! Give me that wand or me and my minions will send ya to the dungeon.

King of Warp Land: You cannot tell me to go to the dungeon! I am the King of Warp Land!

Kootie Pie: Not anymore, nyah!

Big Mouth: Koopas shall rule, the Mario Brothers shall drool, us Koopas will be superior and you shall be inferior.

Bully: Aw shut up! We are never going to get this plan settled!

Kooky: Thanks for the wand, you pathetic king of nothing. *horrid laugh*

Outside the castle...

Mario: Woah! Bits of Koopa's doomship? Fire around the castle? OH NO!!!

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