Ep 27 - Kooptacular Four

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[The title rises on Pipe Land and the title is shown. The screen cuts to Koopa's castle where the kids are having a meeting in the throne room.]

Koopa: I couldn't sleep last night!
Hip: Those stupid-
Hop: Mario Brothers, huh?
Hip: But I was up all night watching the all night marathon of Family Matters!
Big Mouth: Why didn't you tell me?
Kooky: Well, I taped it all so we can watch it after we pulverize those Marios!
Bully: What are you gonna do, King Dad?
Kooky: I suggest we just destroy the Mushroom Kingdom! Let's act out!
Koopa: Well, you failed as Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas and Biggie Koopas!
Cheatsy: Maybe because you kept trying to decide what land we were gonna takeover! I wanted to takeover Desert Land!
Bully: Didn't we get an Emmy for that episode?
Big Mouth: I think we did! Oh, I left it in my room next to a copy of it and I was trying to learn why we were beaten so badly by those Marios, I wanna rip 'em, tear 'em, destroy-
Hip: Big Mouth-
Hop: Shut up!
Kootie Pie: I've had some failed attempts to takeover the world!
Koopa: I gave you Water Land, America, and Europe! And you want more? Wait- I've got it! Cheatsy, Kooky, Bully, and Kootie Pie, step forward!
Hip: Ninja Koopas-
Hop: Again? What about Big Mouth?
[Koopa pulls a magic wand out which reads "Koopa Hero". He zaps the four Koopalings with the wand. Bully now has a rocky texture. When he turns around, notice his shell changes to Big Mouth's shell and back to his own! Kootie Pie is invisible, noted by pink outlining for the viewers to know where she is. Cheatsy and Kooky look the same.]
Koopa: I heard about the new jewelry shop and bank in Pipe Land. They are the biggest in the Mushroom Kingdom! And you're gonna bring the goods to me!
Cheatsy: How? We have no special powers. Your wand is broken! You just burn me up some-

[Cheatsy catches on fire and the carpet he's standing on burns up too. He starts running around like a crazed madman and even runs into Hip's room. We hear things breaking, then two balls fall out into the throne room and are burning up.]
Cheatsy: I need to chill!
[Cheatsy's flame goes off.]
Hip: Cheatsy, you'd better replace those balls or I'm gonna take Grass Land from you!
Cheatsy: If you don't shut up, watch as I melt Ice Land and you won't rule any world!
Hip: I think I'm gonna shut up.

Cheatsy: You'd better! Now, Kooky, can you reach my "Cheating Power", "Crime", and "Jet" magazine that Kootie Pie took from me?
[Kooky extends his hand and we watch as he directs it to Kootie Pie's room and grabs them. His hand returns with the magazines!]
Kootie Pie: Why you, I oughta-
[She stomps and an electric force field appears, surrounding her. It almost hits Hip and Hop.]
Hip: If your attacks comes near us-
Hop: One more time...
Bully: Hey? What power did I get? No power? That's it!
[Bully goes outside to one of Koopa's doomtanks. He picks it up and throws it in a lake. Then, Koopa and his kids come outside and watch in shock as Bully dives underwater and keeps punching it until it explodes!]
Koopa: You'd better steal all the part-
Bully: GET US THE DOOMSHIP! Hey, where's Kootie Pie?
[Kootie Pie turns her force field on. It's a pink shield that is shown right behind Bully, but he doesn't notice.]

[The scene cuts to a beautiful day in Grass Land, complete with sunlight and no clouds, where Mario and Co. are having a feast and look very tired. Mario has four empty plates with some specks of meatsauce on them. Toad eats his spaghetti.]

Mario: Wow! I barely slept last night.
Toad: I heard you laughing all the while!
Princess: I can't wait 'til the next season of Family Matters!
Luigi: Me neither!
Mario: I just want the next season of spaghetti!
[Toad gets up and then he accidentally flings his fork up high. It hits a ? Block and a pile of coins rain down on everyone.]
Toad: Did I do that?
[Everyone laughs, then the doomship appears.]

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