Ep 16 - What's the Big Idea?

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(The curtain rises on Sky Land and the title is shown.)

(Open to Toad's house. Mario and co. are working in the garden.)

Mario: This summer heat wave is killing me!

Toad: I'm with you, Mario! It's so hot!

Luigi: You think you guys have it bad? I'm the one who gets stuck with all the-

(A Nipper bites Luigi's hand.)

Luigi: WEEDS!

(Luigi shakes the Nipper off.)

Luigi: Good thing I always wear gloves!

Princess: Don't worry, guys! The weatherman said tomorrow it should rain for once!

(Cut to Koopa's throne room. Koopa throws a dart at a Mario dartboard.)

Koopa: *panting* It's too hot to do anything!

(Koopa walks over to the throne and sits down as a fan cools him off.)

Koopa: If it weren't for Bully, the air conditioning would still be working, but he had to destroy it! I hope Kooky finishes up with his new surprise invention, it's been ages since I've tried to take over the Mushroom Kingdom!

(Bully is standing in the hallway next to the throne room.)

Bully: (to himself) It's not fair! Why does Kooky get so much praise just because he's so smart? That's it! I've an idea! Heh heh heh!

(Cut to the lab. Bully runs in.)

Kooky: Ooh, Bully! You're just in time! I've finished my latest invention, Koopa-Snooza!

Bully: What's that?

Kooky: It's a potion that will put anyone to sleep for one whole day! Woah woah!

(Bully looks around and sees water tanks filled with a blue liquid. He then picks up a spray bottle filled with blue liquid.)

Bully: Is this it?

Kooky: Yes, but be careful! I still need to make more for my plan! I plan to use it by showering it on Mushroom People from Sky Land-

(Bully sprays Kooky with it. Kooky gets dizzy and falls down sleeping.)

Bully: Heh heh! Thanks Kooky!

(Cut to the throne room. Bully is standing in front of Koopa.)

Bully: King Dad! I've finished my newest invention! Kooky didn't even help me! I did it all by myself!

Koopa: It's also your first and only invention!

Bully: True... But It'll put the whole Mushroom Kingdom to sleep if we follow my plan!

Koopa: Sounds great! But are you sure Kooky didn't help?

Bully: Uh, yes.

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3! Season 2 Episode IdeasWhere stories live. Discover now