Ep 7 - Divide and Conquer

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(The curtain rises on the Pipe Maze and the title is shown.)

(At Castle Koopa, we see Koopa, the Koopa Kids, and a bunch of troops crowded around a table. Koopa is at the center of the table planning some sort of strategy with figurines representing everyone. He picks up a figurine of himself and a figurine of Princess.)

Koopa: Now, watch to see what always happens!

(Koopa holds out Princess.)

Koopa: (imitating Peach) Oh, help me! King Koopa is after me!

(Koopa switches to Koopa figurine.)

Koopa: At last, you're mine!

(Koopa puts down the Princess figurine and picks up a Raccoon Mario and a Raccoon Luigi.)

Koopa: (imitating Mario) Oh no! Let's stop Koopa! (imitating Luigi) Yeah, we can't let him win!

(Koopa then has the figurines fight and has Koopa lose.)

Bully: King Dad! Why'd you let the Mario Bros. win? You were in total control!

Koopa: I was just trying to explain what happens! They always win!

Kooky: But Dad! Why do they always beat you?

Koopa: I HAVEN'T A CLUE! I'm way bigger and stronger!

Kooky: It was a rhetorical question, King Dad! They always win because of strategy!

Koopa: Strategy, eh?

Kooky: Yes, so my idea is, use our own strategy!

Koopa: But how?

Kooky: Just give me some time!

(Cut to the doomship flying over the Mushroom Kingdom. Hip and Hop parachute down to the ground near Toad's house.)

Hip: Hey Mario-

Hop: And Luigi!

Hip and Hop: Bet you can't catch us!

Luigi: What's goin' on?

Hip: We're gonna steal-

Hop: Some gold coins!

Hip: And you can't-

Hop: Stop us!

(Hop holds out a bag of gold coins.)

Hop: You get-

Hip: The idea?

(Hip and Hop both run off laughing.)

Mario: Come on Luigi, we gotta stop them!

Luigi: Right with you Mario!

(Hip and Hop jump into a warp pipe.)

Mario: This is too easy!

Luigi: Uh, why would they let us know that they stole coins?

Mario: They're just being show offs! Now come on!

(They jump into the pipe and end up in Pipe Land.)

Mario: Where'd they go?

Hip: We're over here!

Luigi: They must be behind that corner!

(They run behind the corner and see nothing.)

Luigi: Where'd they go?

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3! Season 2 Episode IdeasWhere stories live. Discover now