Ep 15 - A Heist to Remember

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(The curtain rises on the Pipe Maze and the title is shown.)

(Mario and co. are chasing a Boom Boom through the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The Boom Boom has a painting in his hands.)

Mario: Get back here, Boom Boom!

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Mario: Get back here, Boom Boom!

(The Boom Boom approaches a dead end, with a window looking out over the street.)

Luigi: What are you gonna do, jump?

(The Boom Boom pulls out a walkie-talkie.)

Boom Boom: Boom Boom to King Koopa! I've got a painting and I'm ready to leave! Those Mario Bros. are right behind me, over!

Princess: Look, there's no way you can escape! So just give us the painting!

Luigi: Yeah! Maybe we'll go easy on you!

(The doomship flies over the street in front of the museum. A rope ladder is lowered next to the window. The Boom Boom breaks through the window, jumps onto the ladder, and the doomship takes off.)

Mario: Oh no! Now what'll we do?

Toad: Hey, we can use these!

(Toad pulls four Super Leaves out of his pocket. Everyone else grabs one and the four of them gain Raccoon Power.)

Princess: Alright, let's go stop them!

(They take off after the doomship. Cut to the cockpit. Koopa is at the wheel with Kootie Pie next to him. Boom Boom walks in.)

Boom Boom: Here's a painting, Kootie Pie! I hope it makes you feel better!

Kootie Pie: This painting is just a bunch of scribbles! Don't you know that I hate that stuff! And it hurts me to yell because I have a sore throat, but I HATE IT!

(Kootie Pie throws a tantrum.)

Koopa: Kootie Pie, my precious! Your cold will never go away if you keep yelling!

(Kootie Pie stops her tantrum.)

Kootie Pie: Well, Boom Boom certainly isn't helping!

(Kootie Pie blows her nose.)

(Mario and co. fly in through a window.)

Mario: Alright, hand over that painting!

Kootie Pie: Here, take it! I didn't want it anyways!

(Kootie Pie hands the painting over to Mario. Mario and co. give Kootie Pie confused looks and leave with the painting.)

Koopa: What'd you do that for?

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