Ep 11 - Hammer Bro. Family War

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(The curtain rises and the title shows along with the map of Dark Land, where Bowser's castle is. In King Koopa's Castle, the throne room...)

Koopa: Blast those Mario Bros.! I need a strong army to defeat Mario and Luigi!

(Just then Kooky comes by.)

Kooky: Why don't you get all of the Hammer Bro. family to fight Mario? They are one of our toughest troops.

Koopa: Great idea! Kooky, get all my Hammer Bro. troops, even my useless average Koopa Troopas! Now!

Kooky: Yes King Dad.

(A few mintues later all the Koopas have come into the throne room.)

Koopa: Koopas! I know you have been beat by those plumbers, but if you all train with armor and weapons
like hammers and boomerangs-

Kooky: But vat about sledges?

Koopa: SHUT UP! And yes, sledges, you can all become a kooperific army! Understand?

Koopas: Yes sir!

Koopa: Then get to work and train!

(All the Koopas get into training. Meanwhile with Kooky and Koopa...)

Kooky: Do you think your plan vill work?

Koopa: It was your plan, and if this doesn't work then you'll go to the dungeon for two weeks!

(Meanwhile in Grass Land, Mario and Luigi are taking a walk.)

Mario: Well Luigi, it seems that today we won't have to worry about King Koopa.

Luigi: You said it. Let's head back to the Mushroom Kingdom.

(Back in Koopa's Castle, a Hammer Bro. asks King Koopa something.)

Hammer Bro.: Sir, how will we get to the Mushroom Kingdom? It's too far.

Koopa: Hip! Hop!

(Hip and Hop come running to Koopa.)

Hip: Yes-

Hop: Dad?

Koopa: Make sure all the Koopas are on the doomship in a few minutes!

Hip and Hop: Ok!

(After a few mintues all the Koopas, which are now either a Hammer Bro., Sledge Bro., Fire Bro., Boomerang Bro., Parahammer Bro., Parasledge Bro., Parafire Bro., or a Paraboomerang Bro. get onto the doomship. The doomship takes off for Grass Land. Meanwhile in the Mushroom Kingdom, Toad is at top of the castle checking if any of Koopa's army are coming.)

Toad: (examing with a telescope) Is that a doomship? Yes but it's landing and coming out of is... Koopa?! I've got to warn Mario and Luigi!

(Toad runs downstairs to get to Mario and Luigi as fast as he can. Then...)

Mario: What's the rush?

Toad: Koopas! They're coming to the Mushroom Kingdom!

Mario: What?! Well Luigi, it looks like one King Koopa's plan to take over! Let's go!

Luigi: Alright, but wait! Toad, what type of Koopas are they?

Toad: They're all Hammer Bro. family type and I saw some of them with wings.

Mario: It looks like this won't be easy this time. Let's get some fire power!

Luigi: I'm with you Mario!

(Mario and Luigi get some some fire power and come running to the Koopas until...)

Luigi: Let's wait Mario. If we do we'll be able to take out a lot of them.

Mario: Good idea Luigi. What's that?

(Fireballs come flying at Mario and Luigi, but the plumbers are able to dodge them.)

Mario: Fire Bros. Now it's our turn. Are you ready?

Luigi: I'm ready.

Mario and Luigi: ONE, TWO, THREE, FIRE!!!

(Mario and Luigi shoot out many fireballs that hit some of the Fire Bros. This causes them to fall to the floor and trip the Hammer Bros. behind them. The Koopas keep on running to them.)

Mario: Luigi, you've got to climb to those block to take out those flying Koopas. You can jump very high.

Luigi: What about you? You'll get creamed if you don't come to the blocks.

Mario: Don't worry bro. Now hurry!

(Luigi jumps very high and then climbs to the blocks. Right there Paraboomerang Bros. start throwing boomerangs but Luigi jumps over them and then jumps on each of them and they all fall to the floor. Some Sledge Bros. try to smash Mario with their sledges but Mario dodges them and then shoots fireballs at each of the Sledge Bros. After that the music begins.)

Mario and Luigi
The Koopas are coming
are coming to town. They'll
throw hammers, sledges, boomerangs, spit
fireballs at you. You'll have
to just not give just not give up.
You can't just give up
yet, you'll have to fight
them back with your mad skills.
Then you'll be the
winners for today's war!

(During the music Mario loses his firepower and runs to a block and gets a Super Leaf. He's helps Luigi by flying up and whacking some Parasledge Bros. and Parahammer Bros. to the floor. Luigi jumps to the ground and shoots fire at the Boomerang Bros. and a few more Fire Bros. Later almost all of the Koopas have been hurt so the last remaining Koopas get to the doomship and come to Mario and Luigi who pick up the remaining hurt Koopas. Then the remaining Koopas retreat.)

Mario: Well we did it for today Luigi!

Luigi: Do you think they'll come back?

Mario: Probably King Koopa's other troops, but those guys, not for awhile.

(Mario and Luigi watch the doomship retreating away from the Mushroom Kingdom. Meanwhile, Hip and Hop have reported to King Koopa about the war.)


(Kooky comes to King Koopa.)

Koopa: Your plan failed! Guards, take him to the dungeon for two weeks!


(Two healthy Sledge Bros. drag Kooky away from King Koopa and the curtain falls.)

The End

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