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Y/N is you
Your code name is Rodent.

Your part Scottish

Your 5'2

Your 24 the youngest on the crew

You have a pear shaped body but due to you being trans you bulked up and got quite muscular, you got top surgery so you have those scars now.

Your a demi dog but not the normal kind. Unlike the others mostly covered in fur your not, you have the pointy ears on top of your head and a fluffy tail.

Due to complications during your birth your missing a leg which is replaced by a metal (cyborg ish) prosthetic.

Your job is the sniper.

Your usually calm but have been known to loose your temper easily and lash out on people.

Your pretty isolated for the most part. You and soap are really good friends though.

He always teases you for staring at ghost. You can't help it, I don't think anyone can. He's so tall and mysterious it's frightening but also intriguing.

Let's get into this show shall we!

(Someone needs to yell at me to be productive)

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