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Ladybug's P.O.V

"Miraculous Ladybug!" I shouted, releasing the power of creation to heal what was broken.

Surprisingly, the battle was quickly won...

The Akuma was so easy to beat...

How pathetic is that?

How shameful am I to let such a weak foe kill so many? This battle could have ended without any tragedy if I had not hesitated. So many servants, guards, and my father are now dead due to my ignorance.

And there is nothing I can do about it. My powers cannot bring back the dead. That is against nature's laws.

I almost feel numb to this. How terrible.

I have always wanted to be a hero and protect those who cannot protect themselves. I wanted to learn how to sword fight so that I may one day fight with just as much valor as father had.

I thought those dreams would never become a reality and turn to ash along with the wooden saber mother threw into the flames. That was until I met Tikki and the heroes.

They gave me a chance to be a hero and have been training me to improve my fighting skills.

   I would like to say that I have come far in a short amount of time. That all my training has paid off.

   How can I though with all this death surrounding me? Civilians, friends, and family who trusted me to protect them are now deceased.

   How can I be proud of myself for this? How can I be worthy enough to call myself a hero after all this?


   I was startled out of my thoughts and faced Chat Noir. He was frowning and had a worrisome look on his face. He let out a sigh. The cat hero placed a hand on my shoulder and guided me into a hallway.

   "Rena, we are going to train. We shall rendezvous later," Chat informed the fox hero.

   Rena Rouge had been talking with the servants but paused to confirm she heard. Rena seemed curious but was pulled back into conversation with the servants.

   "R-Right now?" I questioned, surprised by the sudden practice arrangement.

   "Is there an issue with doing it right now? My mistake. I should have considered that you may be busy," Chat Noir said.

   "No! That is not it at all! I was just not expecting to waltz off for a training session after...after the Akuma," I explained, recalling the horrible memories, especially father.

   Should I not be mourning my father's passing? Should I not be sad like when I lost Master Fu? Should I not be crying right now? Why do I feel...nothing? Is there something wrong with me? Am I still in shock from it all? Did I ever truly care about him? Maybe, it is due to his lack of presence in my life?

   He was like a nice acquaintance that I knew little about.

   "Do you really think it is the best time to train?" I asked.

   Chat Noir seemed to be studying me for a moment before nodding, "Yes, I believe it is the perfect time."

I raised an eyebrow at him but continued to go along with whatever he had planned. It definitely beats hiding in the lower levels and expelling my negative emotions by hitting a mannequin with a stick I deem a "saber." Although, that may be the safest option.

Chat Noir and I arrived at our usual spot for training on top of the Arc de Triomphe. Chat handed me half of his baton.

We bowed before our training began with the sharp, clanking sounds of metal colliding.

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