Neglecting Mother x Male reader 1/3

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3rd P.O.V.

It has been a year since M/n started dating again since her late husband passed away. However, her new "boyfriend" is a bad influence on her since she started neglecting her son, Y/n. She spent all of her time and money on her new boyfriend, then with her own son that he started feeling alone at home without her at the house. Y/n understands that his mom needs to spend time with someone her own age or at least get back at the dating game but when she met this guy. Things haven't been the same since and now he spends most of his time taking care of himself.

Right now, Y/n is at home alone by the kitchen table with a single cupcake on top of a single lit candle. It was his birthday today, he turned 7 this year but it also means... His mother forgot his birthday today.

Y/n: She's out again...

Blowing out the candle and wishing himself a happy birthday. He heard the front door open as he saw his mother stumbling inside drunk after being dropped off by her "boyfriend" from a party they went to.

M/n: I-I'm here~! *hic*

Y/n: You're finally back, it's almost midnight.

M/n collapses on the couch as takes off her high heels and tosses them aside.

M/n: Man, tonight was so much fun~ I couldn't stop drinking~

Y/n: Um, mom...

M/n: And that guy... he knows how to make a lady feel young again~! *hic*

Y/n: Mom...

M/n: Huh~?

M/n finally took notice of her son presence's.

M/n: Oh hey, you~ When did you get here~?

Y/n: I came back from school a while ago. I had to walk home alone.

M/n: Did you~? My bad *hic* my boyfriend wanted to party all day and night, today~ Today was his friend birthday so he wanted us come celebrate with him~

Y/n: Oh...

M/n: Welp~! I'm off to bed, see you in the morning~! *hic*

Y/n: Mom, wait-

M/n took notice of the cupcake next to her son.

M/n: Oh, cupcake~

She grabs the cupcake right in front of him and tosses away the candle as she takes a bite of it. Y/n just watches as his mother enjoys the cupcake leaving him feeling saddened that she doesn't remember his birthday today.

M/n: Thanks~! *hic*

She left towards her room while eating Y/n's cupcake leaving Y/n by himself at the table.

Y/n: She didn't even remember...

Y/n got up from his chair and went to bed, crying himself to sleep can't believe his own mother would forget his birthday and go to some random guy's birthday.

12 years later...

Y/n is 19 years old now and going to college soon as the years went by for him. His mother is still dating that boyfriend hers so throughout his time growing up, Y/n had to take care of himself while his mom was out and partying or drinking. And during those years not once has he felt wanted or loved by his mother who ignored his existence for her lover.

Right now, he's in his room packing up all his stuff to move into the dorms of the college he's attending next week.

Y/n: Just one more week and I'm gone from here. After 12 long years being neglected by my own mother, I'm not staying in this house any longer.

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