Silver Sabel x Male reader Spider-Man

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3rd P.O.V.

1 Month later...

A month has passed since the Goblin war has ended and Y/n was able to get his body back from Doc Oc after he was tricked into swapping bodies with him. However, in the the aftermath of it all... it didn't go back to normal for Y/n since everyone believed Doc Oc was him or should I say "The Superior Spider-Man" was Y/n.

Y/n tried to convince everyone it wasn't him and that Doc Oc stole his body to commit those ruthless act as Superior Spider-Man. But nobody believed him, not even his closes friends and allies. They all thought Y/n finally lost it and started taking things too far with his action which wasn't true. He even tried convincing Miles, Gwen, and MJ to believe him on his words but they refuse as well thinking that Y/n just decided to stop acting like a jerk after realizing his mistake during the war.

So, even after Y/n was able to get his body back, the damage was already done. No one would believe or trust him after he suffered and worked so hard to come back to the living. Making him feel alone in the world and the only one who knows the truth behind everything that happened.

Y/n P.O.V.

Y/n: Even after everything we been through... they don't believe me. How could they think that was actually me? Why would they believe I would act that way? Have they never guess something wasn't right with me.

It has been a gruesome month for me, I could barely go anywhere without someone in the streets telling me to leave the city or quit being Spider-Man. It didn't help much with both the cops and heroes coming after me for the crimes I committed after it wasn't me in control.

Y/n: At this point, what am I even doing? What the point of being Spider-Man if I just keep getting the short end of stick in life.

I pulled out my phone to look at the text messages I send to MJ, Miles and Gwen hoping one of them answered my messages but I scroll through them. The messages remain unread for all three of them giving me an idea they want nothing to do with me.

Y/n: Why can't they believe that wasn't me...

Suddenly I heard thunder as it start raining of all times.

Y/n: I think it's time to quit being Spider-Man for good this time.

Shooting a web, I swing away to go somewhere far as I stop in an alleyway near a garage can. I start changing into my normal civilian clothes as I toss away my costume in the trash as I walk away.

Y/n: No one needs me, anymore... no one needs Spider-Man, anymore.

1 year later...

After Y/n quit being Spider-Man and disappeared from the country entirely. The whole city of New York is in chaos as crime run rampant in the streets with buildings on fire, criminals causing mayhem for civilians, and super villains killing or defeating the heroes. It was a complete disaster....

Miles and Gwen are seen swinging in the streets trying their best to contain the problem but with no luck as they keep getting their asses handed to them by the villains.

Miles: This is getting out of control, Gwen! I don't know how long I can keep this up!

Gwen: Just try hold out! We can't call for backup! Most of the heroes are already busy with their own problems or already got killed off by the villains.

Miles: How did this get so bad! Everything was going ok a year ago.

Gwen: I don't know?! Ever since the Goblin War ended and Y/n disappearing afterwards during that year. Everything started going downhill from there...

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