Cheater Raven x Male Reader

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3rd P.O.V.

Y/n L/n... The strongest student in Beacon academy has to offer. Y/n semblance allows him to transform into two powerful transformations called Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego. Since joining Beacon Academy he made many friends, more specifically he became friends with team STRQ. Y/n and Raven later started dating after Raven asked him out after their fight during one of Glynda's training classes where he won against her.

The two of them became well known as a couple throughout the school as many was happy for them. However, Y/n started noticing Raven becoming distant with him as the days go by. She started becoming more distant with him and always goes off to somewhere to meet up with her team. Which he found it odd considering she doesn't like spending time with her teammates because she believes it pointless to make friends. One day, he decided to ask Summer and Qrow about what's going on.

Y/n: Summer! Qrow!

Summer: Hey, Y/n!

Qrow: What's up, man.

Y/n: I wanted to ask you if you seen Raven around.

Qrow: No, why do you ask?

Y/n: Lately she being distant with me and I find it odd she goes to spend time with you guys.

Summer: Spend time with us? We haven't spend time with her not even once.

Y/n: Wait seriously? Then where has she going off to lately.

Qrow: Now that you mention it. Tai has been going off somewhere a lot on his own.

Y/n: Tai? When was this.

Qrow: Probably around two weeks.

Y/n: That the same time, Raven started acting distant with me.

Summer: You don't believe Tai and Raven...

Y/n: We won't know if we don't find out. When was the last time you saw either of them?

Summer: Not that long ago, they said something about forgetting their books for class.

Y/n: Both of them?

Summer: Yes.

Like that all three of them make their way toward the dorm room.

Y/n: *thought* Raven couldn't be cheating on me with Tai. But if she is... why?

Reaching team STRQ dorm room, they heard faint moans coming from the other side of the room.

Qrow: Do you hear that?

Summer: Yes.

Y/n: ....

Inside the room...

Tai and Raven are both naked in bed as Raven is seen having sex with Tai. She's seen riding on top of him as she bounce up and down on his member.

Tai: Can't believe you're still dating that idiot~!

Raven: Ah~! Shut up about him~! I don't hear about that loser~!

Raven increases her pacing as Tai does the same by thrusting harder inside her.

Tai: When are you going to tell him~?

Raven: I prefer if he found out~! Where the fun of it~! Ah~! Can't believe he actually thought I loved him~!

They continue having sex together while talking smack about Y/n behind his back.

Back at the other side...

Not wanting to listen any longer, Y/n kicked down the door where they see Raven on top of Tai with both of them naked and clothes scattered across the room.

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