Luna (The Boondock) x Male Reader

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3rd P.O.V.

After the crazy event at Freeman's resident with Robert meeting Luna on an online dating website leading to them finding out that she's a former White Lotus martial artist. That almost led to the whole family almost being killed by her because of trust issues from past relationships and bad influence she's getting from her friend. But at the end, Robert managed to convince her on not killing them and just told her to take a break from dating. Once leaving the home, she decided to go to a nearby restaurant to clear her mind for the time being after this whole situation only to come across someone by themselves.

Which made her decide to take a seat next to that person by the window. Luna was the first to start the conversation with him as they start to get know one another with Luna learning his name being Y/n L/n. Luna and Y/n decided to share a few drinks together as they've realized they both had a rough day. She explained to him that she recently was seeing this guy name Robert Freeman from a dating website and that it didn't end well which led her to coming this restaurant along with explaining her backstory with past relationships.

Y/n felt sorry for Luna guessing she was trying to find love but no matter who she dated. It only led to her being abused and mistreated every time at the end. Y/n comforted her before telling her the reason why he's here in the first place. He explains to her that he was supposed to meet his girlfriend here at this restaurant but she never showed up. That's when he received a video message from his girlfriend showing that she been cheating on him behind his back with his school bully.

Which left him heartbroken and depressed, leading to Luna seeing Y/n all by himself at the window looking all sadden. After hearing all that happened to Y/n, Luna was livid can't believing someone would betray their own partner by sleeping with someone bully.

For Luna, she desperately tries to find love but hearing someone can easily betray their partner like that made her blood boil.

Luna P.O.V.

Luna: So, she cheated on you for a bigger d***?

Y/n: Yeah... after I put so much effort into showing how much I love her. She still chose to cheat on me with my bully. The same guy who been picking on me since high school.

Luna: ....

Y/n: To be honest... I was actually planning to propose to her.

Luna: Really!

Y/n: Yeah, we been together for a couple of years. I thought it was time to tie the knot. However, after learning what she been doing behind back, I guess it was all pointless.

That bitch! How could she cheat on her, man after they been together this long. While I was desperately trying to find love, she already had it all! Yet, she threw all that away so easily and to hurt someone like Y/n, who showed her so much love and affection. This pisses me off! Time to teach that slut and her boy toy a lesson.

Luna: Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: What is it?

Luna: Do you perhaps know where this bully lives? Or at least your ex by any chance?

Y/n: I believe she's at his place by what I saw in the video. Around the same neighborhood I used to live, that guy hasn't moved out of his parent's basement since graduation.

Luna: Alright, do you mind writing it down for me.

Y/n: Sure.

Y/n grab a nearby napkin and pulled out a pen to write down his old address before handing it to Luna.

Y/n: What are you going to do?

Luna: Don't worry, Y/n. I'm going to teach that ex of yours and that bully a lesson they'll never forget. And mind ordering something for us to eat, I'll be coming back hungry after I'm done with them.

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