Cheater GF x Male Reader x Mother and Sister

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3rd P.O.V.

It was another normal day for Y/n L/n... he was coming back home after his date with his girlfriend, Juliet. Juliet and Y/n have been dating for about a year now since he confess to her on that special day during Valentine's Day. He worked up the courage to tell her that he likes her more than just a friend and asked her to be his girlfriend. Juliet excepted his confession since she developed feelings for him as well during the time they've spend together.

So, they took it slow at the beginning getting to know each other more than before. Since then their relationship has been going steady without any issues whatsoever. Even though Y/n has to deal with his bully everyday at school until he graduates from high school. He can bear it as long he has Juliet by his side to comfort and love him until graduation.

However, things are about to change between Y/n and Juliet relationship in the near future....

Y/n P.O.V.

I arrived home after coming back from my date with Juliet. However, I found it odd she was late again like before and with the same excuse no less. I'll talk about this with my step mom and sister. I still can't believe this whole time I been adopted this whole time but it doesn't change anything between us as a family.

Y/n: I'm home!

M/n: Welcome back, Y/n! I see my mother cooking in the kitchen while my sister sitting by the kitchen table. I took a seat by the table as mom set down plate of foods for us.

S/n: Hey bro, how did your date go with Juliet.

Y/n: It went well but something was off about her.

M/n: How so?

Y/n: When I arrived at the location we were supposed to meet for our date, she was nowhere in sight. Usually she's there before me but lately she been arriving late and giving me the same excuse every time she's late.

M/n and S/n gave me a concern expression as they look at me.

M/n: Did you ask her why she keeps arriving late.

Y/n: No, I didn't want to bother her privacy life.

S/n: Y/n, how long you two been dating?

Y/n: About a year now.

S/n: And how long have you two been friends?

Y/n: Since Middle School.

M/n and S/n looked at each other more concern making me feel worried.

M/n: When did she start acting strange around you. Was there any hints or anything out place than usual? What were the excuses she always tells you?

Y/n: Juliet started acting strange like about few weeks ago. I noticed she started wearing a lot of perfume lately because whenever we meet, Juliet look out of breath. And the excuse she gives me is either she overslept or lost track of time.

S/n: Hmmm... this is a problem. Don't you think, mom?

M/n: I believe so...

Y/n: You two don't think she's... cheating on me.

M/n: That what WE think.

S/n: But we're not certain for sure if it's true.

Y/n: Look how about I go check on Juliet tomorrow at her house and talk to her about this because I don't like idea to believe she's cheating on me.

M/n: That's a good idea, son.

S/n: It's like they say, it better to confront them about it than believing on rumors or ideas alone.

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