Cheater Ochaco x Male reader x Toga

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Requested by StolasKnights

3rd P.O.V.

It was a normal day at U.A. High school as students go about their day.......

Random student 1#: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Random student 2#: Somone stop him!!

Until someone decided to do the unthinkable. We see Y/n getting on a rampage in the hallways of U.A. High School after discovering that Deku has sleeping with Ochaco for about a month now after he knew that Y/n was dating Ochaco long before they met. Right now, Y/n is slashing and dashing at the two cheaters as they try their best to dodge his attacks.

Deku: Y/n stop!! I didn't mean for any of this to happen!

Y/n: Yeah right! Who sleeps with their friend girlfriend behind their back!? And say, "I didn't mean it!" or shit like that!

Ochaco: Please Y/n! Understand I didn't mean to hurt you this way!

Y/n: Sure! And you didn't mean on betraying me by sleeping with someone who's a close friend of mine. I trusted you!

This continues on until the whole school was in shambles with glass windows destroyed, large scratch marks on the walls and floors, some blood spilled, and classrooms destroyed before Y/n was subdued by some teacher who can barely keep him down as Aizawa checked on Deku and Ochaco injuries they sustained.

Y/n: Let me go!! They had it coming!!

Midnight: Stop it, Mr. L/n! This isn't you!

Y/n: Let me go!!!

All Might: Calm down, young Y/n!!

Present Mic: How can someone so young have this much rage in them!? I can barely hold him down!

Y/n: Let me go!! I'll tear them apart! You hear me! I'll tear them both apart!!

It lasted for several minutes until Aizawa could deactivate Y/n quirk before injecting him a sedative to knock him out.

One hour later....

Y/n is later wearing quirk nullifying handcuffs as he presented to the principal, Mr. Aizawa, and All Might. As they discussed on what to do with Y/n and his action earlier.

Nezu: Mr. L/n, do you understand what you did earlier is unacceptable. Not to mention almost killing two of yours close friends and injuring some of your fellow classmates in the progress. Care to explain to me why you did?

Y/n: If I told you, I'm sure you'll find it ridiculous to hear.

Aizawa: We assure you, L/n that we won't. All we want to know is why you did it.

Y/n: Fine if you want to to the know the reason. The reason I attacked them is because I found out my so called best friend has been sleeping with girlfriend behind my back for about a month now as I caught them both in the act when I went out looking for them both. And it didn't make it any better that some of my friends knew about it the whole time and didn't bother to tell me. So, yeah! I had my reason for attacking them.

All Might: I'm sorry to hear what young Midoriya did to you and it unacceptable for him to do that. However, that is no excuse for you on almost killing them and putting other students endanger for it. So we decided to give you a choice.

Y/n: And what's that?

Aizawa: You either face trial and we put you house arrest on school ground until you suffer the consequences.

Y/n: and the other one.

Nezu: You can leave U.A. by your own accord but I recommend the first option. Someone with your abilities we can't-

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