Rich Girlfriend cheater x Nerd Male Reader

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3rd P.O.V

It has been a couple of months since Y/n confess his love for Brittney during Valentine's Day and their relationship have been going steady despite the fact that both of them are in different league from each other. Brittney is from a rich family that owns a fashion model company being in business for about 20 years now and Y/n is from a middle-class family but is considered a top student for all type academics achievements in their school.

He's considered a nerd by other students since he refers to study in order to keep his grades up despite the constant bullying by jocks, but it doesn't matter to him just as long he has Brittney by his side. However, lately Brittney has been acting strangely during their time together like for example she's always on her phone texting with someone constantly ignoring Y/n when he wants to talk to her, looking agitated when their together alone or in public, skipping out on their dates because of "family issues", or when she with her friends, pretends she doesn't know him then sarcastic apologies to him afterwards.

Y/n thought that maybe Brittney is acting this way because is their last year together as senior before they go to different college. So, he came up with a plan to cheer her up with an amazing date plan for the whole day tomorrow.

At the school

Y/n is waiting at the library for Brittney to arrive after sending her a text this morning wanting to discuss with her about tomorrow before graduation day.

Y/n: I wonder what taking her so long?

Waiting a couple more minutes.

Brittney: Y/n, I'm here!

Y/n: Finally. *thought* I wonder what took her so long?

Brittney arrive at the library as she announces her presence, wearing her fashion attire signifying her being part of a rich family.

Brittney arrive at the library as she announces her presence, wearing her fashion attire signifying her being part of a rich family

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Brittney took her seat next to Y/n as she takes out her phone from her bag as she begins texting with someone.

Brittney: So, what is it you wanted to meet me here at the library? I'm busy today, I have stuff to do before the end of the school year.

Y/n: I just wanted to tell you if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow.

Brittney: Really, Y/n? Haven't we gone one already last week.

Y/n: Yeah, but I notice lately you haven't been acting like yourself since we started dating a couple months ago. You been ignoring me during our dates by texting on your phone, pretending I don't exist in front of your friends, and you seem annoyed to be around me whenever I want to hang out with you.

Brittney: I'm a busy girl, Y/n. I'm going to be taking over my father company and my reputation as the CEO daughter is very important to me.

Y/n: I understand that but I'm doing my best as your boyfriend to keep this relationship together if you're not willing to tell what the problem. We're so close to graduation and this is our last year together in high school. I want to make sure their no problem between us after we go to college.

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