Cheater Rias x Male reader

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Requested by Mhablackhero

3rd P.O.V.

It was a normal day at Kuoh Academy with students going about their day as normal. We then move on toward the ORC club building.

Everything seems normal until.......

Y/n: I'll make you regret for betraying my heart, Rias!!

Y/n is seen fighting both Rias and Issei while wearing a strange looking armor as it looks like he's getting the upper hand on both of them.

Rias: Y/n stop! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to betray you!

Y/n: Is too late to apologize!!

He strikes down his sword toward Rias but was blocked by Issei balance breaker.

Issei: I'm not letting you hurt her!

Y/n: Thats funny! Coming from a guy who can't get a girl of his own! Resulting on stealing someone else's for his own selfish needs!!

Both Y/n and Issei clash with each other with Y/n getting a couple of good strikes in onto Issei before kicking him back toward the building.

Rias: Issei!!

Y/n: And here you are saying you want to start over with me but it obvious you still have feelings for that pervert. What a damn joke!!

Rias: Please Y/n! I didn't mean to cheat on you! It just happened that's all!

Y/n: It just happened!? We been together throughout the time we known each other! I saved you from getting married to Riser! From a guy who was excited to use you as a plaything!

Y/n then appears behind Rias as she turn around to look at him only to be hit in the face with his shield sending her sliding back.

Y/n: I treated you with love and care because we loved each other! We were boyfriend and girlfriend for crying out loud!! I never cared about your status, your looks, or your body! I loved you for you! Yet, you decided to choose a pervert over me!

Rias: Y/n, I-

Y/n zoom toward Rias then slashing her across the chest with his sword causing her to spill out blood.

Rias: Aaaahhhh!!!

Y/n: A pervert who could cheat on you at any time he wants because that what cheaters do! Once they got what they want they'll leave you for someone else! And before you knew it, the damage has already been done and there's nothing you can do to fix it!

Rias started gasping for air as she was bleeding out from her wound on her chest. Everyone on the sidelines looks on with concern expressions at the battle in front of them.

Asia: Why is this happening?

Koneko: Is all that pervert fault.

Sirzechs: And my sister fault for cheating on Y/n.

Irina: Shouldn't we stop them.

Xenovia: No, this was bound to happen sooner or later.

Kiba: So, don't try stop to them or else you'll just make things worse.

Gasper: But this is getting out of hand, he's going to kill them.

Rossweiss: We understand Gasper but there's nothing we can do.

Akeno continues looking at Y/n intensely as she was worried on what Y/n had become.

Akeno: Y/n..... if I just comforted you when you found out about Rias and Issei cheating. Then......

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