Cheater Girlfriend x Dying Male reader

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A shout out to WrenchinLazarus a special thanks to the author who made my request in his version of cheater book.

Y/n P.O.V.

I was in a hospital getting my daily checkup as I was sitting in the waiting room for the nurse to call me over. While I wait for my appointment, I start texting my girlfriend Ava to let her know how I'm doing.

Me and Ava have been together ever since we were kids, we started dating after I confessed to her in Middle School. I still remember having a rivalry with my own brother because we loved the same girl so we had a contest to see who can win her heart. But considering I confessed to her first, my brother back down understanding the agreement. Since then, me and Ava stayed together until we reach college and rent out an apartment together to live in.

Y/n: It makes me wonder how lucky I was to have her.


Y/n: Hey Ava.

Ava: Hey, Y/n! How did the doctor appointment go?

Y/n: I'm still waiting for the nurse to call me for my appointment. What are you doing right now?

Ava: Just hanging out with some friends nothing much. Do you want me to bring you anything to eat tonight? I can cook your favorite meal.

Y/n: That will be great, Ava. Oh! I hear the nurse calling my name. I have to go!

Ava: Ok take care! Love you~!

Y/n: Love you, too!

End Text

I walk over the nurse desk as she was typing on her computer.

Y/n: Hello, did you call me?

Nurse: Yes, the doctor is ready for you now.

The nurse get up from her desk as she escort me towards one of the rooms as I entered, I see the doctor is waiting for me while looking over some files.

Nurse: Mr. L/n is here, Doctor.

Doctor: Thank you, nurse. That will be all for today.

Nurse nods closing the door behind me as I take a seat on one of the chairs.

Doctor: How are you feeling, today? Feeling anything different? Pain, Tiredness, Headache, etc.

Y/n: No, nothing I feel fine. Why do you ask?

Doctor: I received your test result from the lab on your last check up but....

Y/n: But?

Doctor: I don't know how to say this Mr. L/n.

Y/n: Just give it to me straight, doc.

Doctor: *Sigh* The test result shows that you have a rare disease that's impossible to treat with the technology we have right now.

I was shocked by the news by what the doctor just said to me.

Y/n: You can't be serious, right? A rare disease.

Doctor: Yes, this disease is similar to the Black Death only is has a 100% mortality rate and there's no treatment for it. That why I ask if you felt anything different earlier. To see any signs of the disease taking effect on you.

Y/n: I don't feel any different from usual except my vision gets a little blurry sometimes and feel some aches around my body sometimes but they come and go. That can't mean anything right?

Doctor: I'm afraid it does, blurry vision and aches around the body is signs of the disease taking progress. Soon you won't be able breath properly and be unable to speak without having a coughing up blood.

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