Inhabitant Island x Male reader

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V.

1 month later...

It has been a month since Y/n's mother, Simone was rescued from that island after a terrible storm causing them to get shipwrecked and leading to them getting separated from each other. But when Y/n was on the rescue boat to search for his lost mother and learned they managed to find a signal from a nearby island.

However, he was in for a surprise what he heard over the radio room as he listen in to moans and skin slapping together. Which made him confused at first until he listen closer and learned those moans were coming from his own mother. Hearing everything she was saying over the intercoms made Y/n feel disgust but what made it worse was hearing his bully along side her.

Giving him a clear idea that his own mother, who he has been worried sick since the shipwreck is having sex with his bully on a deserted island. Not to mention, she basically cheating on his father with someone who's barely the legal age at drinking and the very same person who has been bullying her son everyday at school. After returning back to the mainland, Simone would sneak out or wait until everyone has left the house so she can go have sex the bully without anyone noticing.

But that was not entirely true because Y/n would notice Simone sneaking off or pretend to leave the house. Only to catch her in the act by listening in on the moans from his parent's bedroom or hiding behind some bushes to see her having sex. Since then Y/n never look at his mother the same way again.

But that's all about to change after graduation...

1 year later....

It was Y/n graduation ceremony, he was done getting his diploma as he saw his father by the bleachers clapping for him except his mother, who was nowhere to be seen. Giving him an idea already on where she is currently...

Y/n P.O.V.

The gradation ceremony finally came to an end, everyone was called up to get their diploma except for one. And I already have an idea where that asshole is and what he is doing now. As I was thinking what those two are doing now, dad came up to me.

F/n: Congratulations, son! I'm so proud of you!

Y/n: Thanks, dad!

F/n: It's too bad your mother isn't here to congratulate you. She was feeling sick this morning when I spoke to her and couldn't make it.

Y/n: *though* That's not true...

F/n: Either way, I'm sure she would be happy to see you graduate if she was here.

Y/n: Sure...

F/n: Something wrong, Y/n?

Y/n: Dad... don't you ever get the feeling that something is wrong with mom?

F/n: Whatever could you mean?

Y/n: I mean... haven't you noticed she been acting strange for the past year ever since that shipwreck.

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