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Narrator POV

Alex woke up and sighed as she heard her family walking around the apartment. Today was the last day before moving from Poland to America. She was exited but also worried about how her mental health will react. On one hand she'll be living in NYC now, which she wanted since she can remember, but on the other hand she's going to be on a whole another continent than her best friend , who's her rock and her grandma, who practically raised her.


After giving their stuff to the moving company and saying their goodbyes to Alexa's grandma, the family of four arrived at the airport.
Alexa's relationship with her parents wasn't the best and she swore to herself that she wouldn't get close to them, because they will hurt her again, so she barely talked to them and listened to music instead. When they got through security and got on the plane, Alexa's parents told the siblings some things about their new apartment which her father's company paid for, and Alexa was secretly a little disappointed, as she found out that she would be sharing a room with her brother again. The company said that they won't provide a bigger apartment, because technically her brother didn't have to move in with them and they provide separate rooms for their employees underage kids only.


After a long flight, that everyone except Alexa slept through, they finally landed in New York City, and Alexa was more excited than ever, because she was hoping that maybe this will work like it does in movies and she'll be able to turn her life around. Maybe here her depression will finally back off, and let her live her life.

On the way to their new apartment, Alexa's family decided that they should get something to eat, but it was 9pm so they settled on McDonalds.

"What do you want Alex?" Wyatt asked.

"Oh, i ate on the plane while you were sleeping, so i'm not really hungry " she lied.

"But i could always get small fries" she quickly added, not wanting her family to get suspicious, as she knew that her family still believes that she loves food.


While her family was eating and talking,
Alexa managed to eat half of her fries and put the rest in her pocket when no one was looking. Afterwards, they finally arrived at the two bedroom apartment, and much to Alexa's dissatisfaction, the room that she shared with her brother had space for only one desk, meaning she would have to spend her days at the kitchen table again, as she was a people pleaser and wanted her brother to have some privacy, resulting in her spending time anywhere but their room. Regardless she was used to that so she just ignored it and scrolled through tiktok, ignoring her family going to sleep and telling her to do the same- she couldn't fall asleep even if she wanted to. At around 3am she went to bed as the exhaustion took over.


i just got this idea and decided to turn it into a story. I don't know if anyone will be interested in reading this, so i guess let me know what you think :)

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