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Alexa's pov

After about 30 minutes because of the traffic, we finally arrived. We got out of the car and my father rang the doorbell. The door opened and i was thankful that i was standing behind my whole family, because my uncle looked A LOT like Taylor Swift's dad, so my jaw dropped for a second.

They even have the same first name, but it's impossible that i'm in anyway related to Taylor Swift, the person who's music has gotten me through a lot of crap, and whose documentary i watch to distract myself when i'm forcing myself to eat and keep the food down, right?

Scott greeted my father, and invited us in. After we got inside, i composed myself, and my dad introduced all of us to Scott.

"Come to the dining room, the food's almost ready" said Scott while gesturing to a room down the hallway.

My family was still putting their stuff down on the hallway bench, while i made my way into the dining room, like Scott said.

When i walked into the dining room, my eyes focused on the big table filled with food. I hope no one looked at me when i walked in, because the panicked look on my face when i saw a HUGE bowl of pasta was there for a good few seconds before i covered it up with my practiced fake smile.

When i finally looked away from the table my eyes went wide and my jaw dropped as i saw a tall blonde staring at me. THE TAYLOR SWIFT was in the same room as me.

I must've been frozen in that position for a good second , because when i snapped out of it, i saw Scott and Austin laughing.
Taylor giggled, but she looked slightly worried. SHIT, she must've seen me panicking over the pasta.

"Hey, I'm Alexa, but you can call me Lexie" i quickly said, still shocked.

"Hi, i'm Taylor and this is my brother Austin" she responded with a smile, while pointing at herself, and then at Austin.

I nodded, still star-struck, as my family came in. They introduced themselves, somehow not recognizing any of them as famous.

We all sat at the table and my family made some small talk, as my eyes focused on the pasta. The relief on my face was probably visible as i saw Andrea come into the room with a bowl filled with rice.

We greeted her and put the different kinds of food on our plates. I put some rice and a few chicken tenders on mine. It was way too much for me to be okay with eating, but i couldn't let anyone get suspicious.

I started eating some of my food, thankful that Andrea made rice, because pasta is WAY too big of a fear food for me to eat, as my parents and brother started talking to the Swift's in the broken english that they knew.

My father and brother are okay-ish at english but not even near fluent, and my mother can understand people talking, but is bad at speaking in it.

I, on the other hand speak it pretty much fluently, with an American accent, as i taught it to myself by watching movies and TV shows and repeating the lines, that i wasn't able to pronounce well.


"What about you Lexie?" i suddenly heard from beside me.

I looked up to see Taylor eyeing my plate. I ate about half of the food that i put on it, but i couldn't get myself to eat more, so i tried to make it look like i'm eating.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" i responded, because i wasn't paying attention to their conversation, too preoccupied with trying to count the calories that i consumed.

"I asked what you think of the food" she said as everyone quietly laughed at my confused response.

"Oh, it's really good, i love chicken tenders!" i said, while picking up another piece of chicken and taking a small bite. It wasn't a lie, the food was really good, but my mind was screaming at me to stop eating.

"Tay does too, it's her favorite food!" Austin said, clueless to my discomfort. I guess years of lying made me a pretty good actress.

"Oh, Lexie would be able to eat all of them, if she didn't eat a big lunch before we picked her up!" Robert said while laughing. It's good to know that they believe the dirty plates.

Everyone laughed as i continued to play with my food. I think my stomach shrunk though because it started hurting after half of my portion was gone, so i had to hide that pain too, as everyone ate their food.

"What's up with you speaking so well by the way, no offense everyone" Austin asked.

"Oh, i kinda taught myself english by watching movies and TV shows and repeating the lines and singing along to music." I said while laughing, relieved with the change of subject.

"That's really impressive, what artists did you listen to?" asked Andrea.

"Oh, it was mostly just smaller, unpopular artists" i responded, not wanting Tay to know i used to listen to her best friend's music 24/7.

"No, there was that one popular singer, what was her name?" my mother said, still clueless to the celebrity in the room.

"I think it started with S" she continued.

"It was Selena something, she played in that Disney TV show that you used to watch " My father added. At that Taylor's attention was drawn. I suddenly really regret listening to music without headphones a few times all those years ago.

"Yeah, it was Selena Gomez" I said quietly, because i was embarrassed.

"Oh she's amazing" Andrea commented as the Swift's all started smiling.

"Yeah, she is." i said laughing through my discomfort.

The conversation moved on after that, as everyone finished their food.


I think this is pretty chaotic, i'm sorry for any mistakes, but Lexie finally met Taylor!

Please feel free to comment any suggestions/opinions/feedback in general and thank you for reading and voting!

Take care of yourselves <3

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