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Narrator pov

Lexie clumsily picked her phone up and dialed Taylor's number.

"Hello?" Travis responded with a sleepy voice.

"Hey Trav, it's Lexie, is Taylor there by any chance?" she said, while trying to keep her voice steady.

"Yeah, she just went to get some water" the man responded.

He quickly got out of bed and ran in the direction of the kitchen, instantly alarmed by the heavy breathing on the other side of the phone.

"Ca-can i t-talk-k to her please?" Lexie asked shakily, as she felt a slight sense of relief at hearing the voice of a trusted person.

Travis found Taylor sitting at the kitchen island. She was still sleepy because she had to walk all the way to the kitchen as a result of forgetting to put a bottle of water on her bedside table. When she saw travis run in, she felt bad because she thought that he was unable to fall asleep after she accidentally woke him up while getting out of bed. That thought quickly disappeared after she saw her phone in Travis's hand. No one got through to her notifications at night unless it was something urgent.

While stopping at the kitchen island, travis had already put the phone call on speaker.

"Taylor's here, talk to us buddy." he said, keeping his voice calm and steady, as the nickname instantly got Taylor's attention.

"P-please help me, i can't live like this anymore" Lexie shakily got out.

"Hey Lex, listen to me, it's okay i'm on my way" Taylor said, after realizing that this is a really urgent situation, because Lexie doesn't reach out for help until the last possible second.

"Yeah buddy, we're on our way" Travis added without hesitation.

They were glad that they decided to spend the night at Travis's house because it's closer to the Reed's apartment than her any of Taylor's homes.

They quickly got dressed and got into the blackout windowed SUV, while trying to calm Lexie down over the phone call.

Thankfully they managed to mislead the paparazzi into thinking that they're in one of Taylor's houses, so no one was waiting for them outside.

Travis quickly drove the 5-minute drive to the apartment building and parked, and after running to the right staircase and finding the right apartment, Taylor used her keys to silently open the door with the key given to her just in case anything happened.

The couple quietly, but quickly walked into the apartment and saw the light coming out from under the bathroom door. They approached the door and gently knocked on it.

"We're here lex and Taylor will hang up the phone now" Travis said.

"It's open!" the younger girl croaked out.

Taylor opened the door, while travis put her phone away and locked the front door, knowing that the girl is in good hands with his girlfriend.

"Hey Lexie" the tall blonde said while crouching down next to the girl.

"I-i'm sorry that you had to come all the way here" Lexie said right before being pulled into Taylors embrace.

"Don't apologize, i'd travel all the way to the moon and to Saturn for you." The singer responded.

"Talk to me Lex, what's up?" she gently added. She was grateful for travis, whom she saw mouthing to her that he'll be in the living room. He knew that she's got everything under control.

"Everything is going wrong! I'm sad again and i just keep getting worse! I don't what to do to fix it. I don't even have the energy to try to get back up. I can't do this alone. I need help. Please help me. I want to be happy. I want to be normal. Maybe people like me aren't ever meant to be truly happy. Maybe I'm destined to live like this forever." the girl sobbed out in record speed.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay lex. You can be happy, trust me." Taylor said.

"Please help me, i slept less than an hour during the last 3 days, and i tried to eat, but Wyatt kept triggering me by constantly talking about calories" the fragile girl cried out.

"You'll be okay, I'll help you. Now take some deep breaths for me."

She started singing This is me trying, as she knew that it's one of Lexies top go-to songs in times of crisis.

After a bit, the girl calmed down and sleepily asked Taylor if she can sing her the song Who Says. The blonde was surprised, but quickly obliged.

Lexie fell asleep about near the end of the song. Taylor picked her up and carried her out of the bathroom. She put her on the couch, that Travis got up from after seeing them walk in. The couple quietly discussed the next steps and decided to leave Robert a note with an excuse as to why they took Lexie to their house.

After doing that, Travis carried Lexie down to the car, where he sat holding her in the backseat, as Taylor drove to his house.

They tucked the girl in one of the guests bedrooms and Taylor filled her boyfriend in on the conversation that she had with Lexie in the bathroom.



Let me know if you have any suggestions and/or opinions!

Thank you for reading :)

Take care of yourselves <3

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