Chapter 1

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I hated them. I hated them both. I hated my dad for cheating on my mum, and I hated my mum for making me move half way across the country. If only she had known then what my life would come to be. If only she'd have known I would meet him. That I would fall for his blazing green eyes and sweet dimpled smile. If only she had known of the dangers I was about to walk into - the gangs, the fights, the sex, the drugs, the deaths, and him; my beautiful monster.

I'm Scarlet Rose Evan's, and this is my story.

I didn't even bother to look back as the dusty old car turned out of my childhood street. Why would I? There are no good memories there. No happy times, no friends, and no love. Nothing. Nothing but pain, lies and screams - I wont miss it. On the other hand, why move? Why move somewhere new to go through the same old shit? I'm a loner and I always have been, most likely always will be. That's the way I like it, alone and hurt free.

I rolled down the car window, my hand making wave shapes in the cold, nippy wind. My eyes close over and I feel at peace with the darkness that seeps into my vision. I block out my mums rambling. I really don't care what she has to say, it's all lies anyway. As we pull out of town, my stomach turns and I'm suddenly wide awake. My stomach twists into knots, like it's warning me I shouldn't go any further - but I have no other choice. I shake my head, trying to block out the bad feelings and I suddenly realise it's dark outside. I must have dozed off, for several hours. I turn to face my mum, a warm, fake, smile spreading onto her thin lips. I scoff, rolling my eyes as I dig into my pockets and pull out my I-pod. I dig the earphones deep into my ears. I can hear her lecture me about manners and disrespect. I nod, pretending to give a shit.

Yes. It was my dad who cheated, but she's not so innocent. She too had an affair, around three years ago. My dad forgave her, so why couldn't she forgive him? Why cheat? Why not just talk about their problems? People who love one another aren't supposed to cheat or hurt the other person. They're supposed to keep them safe and make them happy. Love shouldn't hurt, right? What would I know, the closest I have got to love is admiring men in bands that I will never meet.

My dad was a lousy drunk, but now I'm being dragged miles away to live with a woman I quite frankly despise, my aunt Kathy. Ah, my sweet aunt Kathy, the whore who thinks she is still a teenager and shags boys half her age. It's disgusting if you ask me. They're just as bad though, why you would be proud of fucking a women in her early fifties at the age of eighteen is beyond me. Clearly they have mummy issues and need to see a psychiatrist, that's just my opinion, of course. They could be perfectly nice young men. Hah, good one Scar.

'All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, faster than my bullet.- '

I groan heavily as the sound of music is suddenly gone from my ears, only to be replaced by my mothers whiny voice. I open my eyes slowly, huffing silently as we pull into Kathy's drive way. Of course, she is already waiting at the front door in her bra and knickers. Well she's wearing a t-shirt but still.

"Save me now." I mumbled under my breath, silently praying to a god I don't believe in.

"Oh, we're going to have so much fun." My mum beams. I smile slightly - it's been a while since she smiled. It's nice.

Maybe I should go a little easier on her. But I can't help it, the two of them put me through a lot more than adultery, but we won't get into that right now.

"Well go on, get out and start getting your boxes." She demands, excitedly.

I cringe as I see Kathy making her way over, flipping her long blonde hair as she walks. Clearly someone is watching, otherwise I wouldn't have front row tickets to the Kathy show.

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