Chapter 8

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The dull winter sun shining through the window caused me to stir. My eyes lazily opened and struggled to adjust, the tears from the previous night still leaving a sting. I sighed heavily at the sudden realisation that I was now alone and the warmth of Harry's body was gone. I rolled off of my side and onto my back, my eyes focusing on the pale-white ceiling as my mind raced with a thousand bad thoughts.

I felt like I was slowly but surely loosing my mind. Why me? Why did this happen to me? A few short weeks ago I was just a normal girl who stayed at home and kept to herself and now, well now I'm in the middle of an on going battle between two gangs.

The sound of my phone vibrating violently against my bedside table snapped me from my thoughts. I pushed myself into a seated position and smiled as Harry's hoodie clung to my body. I pulled the hood up and inhaled the intoxicating smell that still lingered. What was this boy doing to me? I can't like Harry; he's cocky and arrogant and he's dangerous. Or so they say. Me, I'm not so sure that he is.

I shook my head, desperately trying to shake the inappropriate thoughts from my mind, but it didn't work. My eyes closed over and my breathing increased as I began to imagine his arms wrapping around me, just like they did last night. I could picture his plump, moist lips and how they felt against my skin as he placed gentle kisses to my forehead. I gasped, forcing my eyes open as I struggled to breath.

"Stop this, Scarlet." I mumbled under my breath, forcing myself to focus.

I reached out and grabbed onto my phone, gulping loudly as his name flashed across my screen.

From: Harry

I hope you're ok. I'm sorry that you got dragged into all of this. I'll sort it, I will. Charlie King won't lay one finger on you. Do you hear me? He won't. I just, I don't know. This is the last you will hear from me. I'll leave you alone. I promise. H xx

My heart dropped and my stomach turned. I threw my phone onto my bed and jumped onto my shaky feet. Pacing back and forth, my subconscious ate away at me; you don't want him to stay away, do you? Well done, you pushed him away and now he wants nothing more to do with you.

I let out a low and frustrated scream as my fingers tug at the ends of my hair. I stormed out of my room and headed straight into the bathroom, ignoring the stares from Becky, who clearly thinks I have gone bonkers. I slam the door shut and breath deeply as I rest my back firmly against it. I jump slightly upon hearing a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I gently call out.

"You ok?" Becky asks, concern laced in her tone.

"Fine Becks, promise." I surprise myself at how convincing I sound.

"Scarlet, look, it's up to you who you trust. But believe me, Harry Styles is not a good person. Ask Jack about Dylan, ok? Just ask him." She sighs and I freeze. Dylan? Jack's brother that he never talks about. What could Harry possibly have to do with Jack's brother?

Shit, Jack.

I peeled my clothes and underwear from my body and lazily dropped them to the floor. I walked over to the shower and quickly turned it on before stepping inside. With each droplet of water my body ached more and more. I felt a sting in my cheek as the hot water splashed against my wound, forcing the memories of Troy and last night to return. My back slid down the cold tiles until my body hit the bottom. I brought my knees to my chest and curled myself into a ball. Tears fell freely from my eyes as I gently sobbed. I like to act like I'm this strong person who doesn't need saving, but right now I'm terrified. I can see death. I can taste it. Feel it. It's screaming at me, telling me to run. But what's the point of running when there is nowhere to hide? If Charlie King wants you dead, you die.

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