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Scarlet pushed the stray strands of long, flowing dark hair that fell onto her forehead behind her ear, taking in a deep and shaky breath. She looked over her shoulder and frowned, but Cooper - sat in his car - smiling back at her reassured her a little. He mouthed something to her that she instantly understood. She nodded and turned back to the old and rusted door, lifting her hand to place a light knock upon it with her bruised knuckles.

She waited patiently, scared of what she might see when she was finally let inside. She didn't have time to think about it, Louis was now opening the door with a wide and infectious grin. She peered around his shoulder and smiled when she saw Lana sitting on the stairs, her tiny bump now showing. Lana smiled at Scarlet but said nothing, she knew there was only one reason Scarlet was here and it wasn't to see her.

Louis stepped aside and pulled the door open fully, gesturing for Scarlet to come inside. Smiling weakly, she did. Her heart pounded against her chest in both fear and excitement.

"He's in the living room." Louis whispered, closing the door over.

Scarlet nodded in understanding and stood in silence while Louis and Lana hurried up the stairs. They look so happy, she thought. Everyone had found out about them and the baby a few days back, and everyone was OK with it except for Clyde, but Cooper made sure he behaved himself and left them to it. He said there was no need for anyone else to be heartbroken, and Scarlet couldn't quiet tell if he was referring to her or himself.

Cooper hadn't taken Harry's departure well. And although during the day he put on a brave face and told everyone he was fine, Scarlet knew he wasn't. She knew this because at night she would hear him cry himself to sleep. Amber had helped him slightly, but the two of them still refused to tell one another how they really feel. So for now they still remain friends...with benefits. It was only when Amber left for a few days to visit her cousin Hailee that Scarlet realized just how bad Cooper had gotten. He became closed off and guarded and snapped at anyone who came near him. He had lost so many people already and loosing Harry had finally caused him to snap.

Scarlet had been ok. After a day or so of crying she managed to snap herself out of feeling sorry for herself and was now focussing all of her energy into finding Harry and brining him back. She knew that it was dangerous and reckless but she wanted to save him just like he had saved her. She wanted her life back and she wanted Harry in it, and she would stop at nothing to get it.

Things had changed drastically since Harry left with Charlie only two short weeks ago. Cooper had taken over as gang leader and was pushing everyone harder than they had ever been pushed before. Scarlet had seen the gang fight more times in this two week period than she ever had when Harry was in charge, and she couldn't help but think that Cooper was training them all for a war they knew would come. He had also set up a drugs unit in his basement and Zayn would spend his nights selling the products. The money was flowing in and they were all enjoying spending it. Scarlet had returned to school, moved out of her aunt's house and was spending all of her free time trying to track down Charlie King, but there were no traces of him or Harry. They had vanished.

Scarlet rounded the corner and smiled brightly when she saw an injured Tommy sprawled out on the ripped, black leather couch. His chest was bare and his wound was visible, and she couldn't help but feel guilty for what had happened to him. He looked up from the couch but made no effort to move. It was strange for both of them, and each of them momentarily felt uncomfortable in the others presence. Scarlet stepped into the living area and closed the door over behind her, swaying nervously on the spot. Tommy pushed himself up and into into a seated position, wincing as a agonizing pain shot through his entire body. Scarlet wanted to rush to his side, but the voice in the back of her mind told her not to.

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