Chapter 28

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Harry's Pov

The hospital walls were cold and pale and haunting and for a moment I though I were dead. I was still struggling to breath, and every time I breathed in I could still taste the smokey air in my mouth and lungs. I coughed loudly and stumbled down the long corridor, ignoring the glances from other patients and the occasional passing nurse.

"You should be in your room." A voice sounded from behind me, but I continued to walk.

"Mr. Styles, you are very weak right now. Please, come back to your room and rest." The voice was demanding now and I could feel a pair of hands grip onto my arm.

I pushed the person away, turning around to glare at them angrily. The women looked shocked and almost scared as she took a step back. My head was spinning now and my vision was blurred as my sore and stinging eyes began to water. I shook my head, focusing on the small and impatient nurse in front of me. Her lips moved, but I heard nothing.

"Shut up!" I screamed, coughing afterwards, violently. "Please. I need to find my girlfriend. I don't - I don't know if she's alive. I - I need to know that she's alive. Please."

Her determined and hardened eyes soon softened and she was now nodding her head, gesturing for me to follow her down the busy and rushed accident and emergency ward. I shuffled my feet along the marbled flooring, struggling to make my weakened body work. The sight of blood and injured bodies that we passed along the way didn't faze me. It was strange how numb i felt inside. Even at the sight of someone bleeding to death as they stumbled into a hospital crying out for help. I was used to it, I guess. I was used to the pain and despair and I was used to death.

"What's her name?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands as she came to a stop at the front desk.

"Scarlet, Scarlet Sty - Evans. Her name is Scarlet Evans." I breathed out, choking heavily when I saw Liam and Belle standing outside of a room, holding their heads in their hands.

I pushed past the nurse, ignoring her as she screamed out to me. I forced myself through the gathering crowd of people and flung myself at Liam, coughing erratically as I wrapped my fingers around his jumper to hold myself up. He placed his hands on my upper arms, pulling me up and holding me firm.

"Is she - Is she dead?" I sobbed, closing my eyes over as i prepared for the worst.

"No. No, Harry. She's alive. But she's weak - fragile. I called her mum, her family is on their way, and your friends are in the canteen." He whispered, and in that moment i felt like all my prayers that had been mocked by my friends, were answered.

It was a strange thought. I had always thought that if there really were a god he would want me to burn in hell along with all the other monsters.

I pushed away from him and gained strength on my own feet. I turned slowly and reached my hand up, wiping away my tears before I made my way towards the room door. My ash covered fingers trembled as they clutched around the knob, and my heart raced when the door slowly pushed open.

I took a step inside and froze. Her body was still and stretched, almost like someone had straightened out her limbs and placed a thin white cloth over her body. Her eyes were closed and her lids were red and swollen. She was pale, and sickly so. She looked like someone who had passed away and suddenly became a sleeping angel.

I stumbled inside and slammed the door shut behind me. I didn't want anyone else in here. I wanted to be with her and only her.

"Hey, beautiful." I painfully croaked, clearing my throat as i took her cold hand in mine, settling into the green chair beside her bed.

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