Chapter 3

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Apart from the whole psycho Harry situation that I have chosen to convince myself will blow over, even though my subconscious is screaming at me to run, school hadn't been all that bad. I had made three friends. Yes, three. I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, I like them a lot, they're nice and they make me laugh, but I'm just not used to it. No one has ever wanted to speak to me before let alone be my friend. But for Belle, Liam and Alice - a girl I had met in maths, I guess I could give being sociable a chance.

The cold air nipped at my skin as I clenched my books to my chest, my mind racing with the day's events; his blazing green eyes haunting my every thought. They were so dangerously hypnotizing. Usually I would be the girl who would defend herself, that would swear profusely and scream at the top of her lungs, but there's something about him - when he's around - I'm paralysed -I'm frightened.

"Scarlet? Scarlet?" Alice's voice broke me from my trance.

"You all-right, you seem distracted?" She asks quietly, she's a little reserved and shy.

"Hmm. It was just today... It was odd." I breathe, making sure I don't trip over myself as we walk home. Clumsiness will be the death of me.

"Why? What happened?" She questions, looking at me in confusion.

I hadn't told her about Harry, yet. To be honest, I just wanted to forget about him, but I couldn't shake him - he was under my skin - poisoning me.

"This guy, Har-

"Scarlet?." I heard someone scream my name warmly.

I notice the drastic change in expression on Alice's face as she looked ahead. She looked angry, scared, disgusted even. I look up, his eyes covered with the most expensive looking sunglasses, his jet black hair thick and ruffled, his toned, tanned muscles flexing as he runs my way. Don't drool, don't drool; saliva on your chin is not attractive.

"Jack." I waved, smiling like a complete moron. Why do hot guys have the ability to make me the most awkward looking creature on the planet?

His smile faded as he got closer. His jaw clenching as he removed his sunglasses and folded his strong arms across his chest. The atmosphere was toxic. I looked from him to Alice and back, if looks could kill they would both be dead. Though, I was beginning to think everyone was used to death around here.

I was just about to say something to make this already awkward situation, more so awkward, when he spoke.

"You should be more careful which streets you walk down Alice. This is a dangerous neighbourhood for the likes of you." His voice was cold and harsh.

I hear her gulp loudly, her hands lightly trembling. Did he just threaten her?

"Scarlet, I'll see you later." She mumbles, hurrying to walk away.

"No. Alice, come back. Are you all-right?" I call after her, but his arm stops me from following her.

She looks over her shoulder and gives me a light nod, but her eyes are tearful and red.

"Tell Josh, I said hi." His tone sounded hateful as he scowled at her.

He turned back to me and smiled widely, but I'm not impressed in the slightest and he knows it.

"That was rude." I huff, scrunching up my nose in anger.

He smiles cheekily, his hands taking hold of my arms. I freeze, goose-bumps covering my skin as his dark, lustful eyes look into mine with a look that I can't read.

"Scarlet, are you mad at me?" He questions playfully.

I can't help but smile. I know, I'm a weak and pitiful excuse for a person.

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