Chapter 10

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Have you ever found yourself waking up in an unfamiliar place. A place you have never been before, yet everything around you seems so familiar. Almost like this unfamiliar place where you have awoken, was the exact place you were supposed to be?

The sun beaming through the open window forced my eyes to flicker open. A familiar burn on the surface as my eyes adjusted to the sudden flood of light. My head pounding was somewhat erased by the scent that took over my senses, it was a scent I had become accustom too. It was Harry's. I yawned lightly, but as I went to stretch out my arms I realised I had been perfectly tucked under the duvet. I smiled lightly, forcing my arms up and over, the sudden cold breeze nipping at my skin. Shivering I rolled my body onto it's side. My breath caught in my throat at the adorable sight of him in a deep slumber. I noticed that he was on top of the covers, laying on his back and very much giving me my own space.

I shuffled my body closer, careful not to wake him. It's strange, but seeing him like this was surprisingly nice. He seemed so innocent, peaceful and in some way vulnerable. As apposed to the tough and possessive Harry I had seen so much of. Both sides intrigued me, but this side, this side made me see that despite his tough facade he was really just a boy who had to grow up far to quickly.

His perfectly plump lips parted as gentle snores escaped. His chestnut curls spreading messily across his forehead. My breathing became heavy and shallow as my hand reached up, my fingers now gently pushing the curls away from his face. Suddenly gasping, my heart began to race as I felt his fingers wrap themselves in mine. I heard him gulp loudly but his eyes remained closer.

"What are you doing to me?" He breathed.

"What?" I whispered - my tone laced with nerves.

He didn't say a word. Not a single word. He simply took my hand and placed it on his chest. Feeling his heart race erratically, I choked. The beat of his now matching mine in perfect sync as his glowing green eyes flickered open. I felt my bottom lips quiver as his eyes met mine, my hand still placed over his chest and I didn't dare remove it.

"I could get used to this." He smiled cheekily, his fingers dancing in mine.

I knew I should have removed my hand, that I shouldn't be letting myself get so comfortable with him. But I simply couldn't, I was frozen in the moment and I couldn't quite grasp what I was feeling. I knew this wasn't right, but it felt right, more than right.

"Used to what?" I croaked, his intense stare and dimpled smile making me weak.

"Waking up next to you." His groggy morning voice snapped me back to reality.

I gently pulled my hand away and pushed myself into a seated position. I knew deep down, some part of me wanted to lie beside him and feel his skin against mine, but what use would it do? If anything, it would complicate things more.

"I'm such a whore." I mumbled under my breath, causing him to chuckle deeply.

"What?" He questioned, sitting up beside me.

"Well, not literally, far from it actually. But this, you, Jack, everything is just such a mess. And I don't know what to do because either way I'm the bad guy. I don't want to hurt anybody or, I just, I'm so confused, you know? I'm not used to this, I - why am I wearing your clothes? And more importantly, how did I end up here?" In the midst of my word vomit, I realised I was sitting on Harry's bed, in Harry's t-shirt and joggers.

He playfully nudged me and chuckled under his breath, "You passed out."

"Oh." I felt my cheeks flush a deep shade of red as embarrassment hit.

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