Chapter 32

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Scarlet's Pov

The moonlight shining through the window cast a dark shadow across a sleeping Harry's back. I stayed still, enjoying the feel of his arm draped across my stomach. The sides of my lips twitched as his lips parted and light, peaceful snores escaped. I reached my hand out and pushed back his curls with the tips of my trembling fingers. Vulnerable. That's what he was. No on understood it, but I did. He lashed out and got angry because he was scared and he was just...vulnerable.

The sound of hushed whispers coming from the hallway made my head snap up, curiosity running through my veins. I lifted Harry's hand and wiggled out from under his grip, wincing when he called out my name in his sleep, his fingers clutching around the bedsheets. I watched him for a moment, trying to imagine what my life would be like if I had never met him. It would be normal, I thought. Normal but so deeply empty. I don't regret meeting him for a single moment, no matter what the outcome. He's mine and I'm his and no amount of distance will ever change that.

I leaned over the bed and placed a sloppy kiss to his cheek before tiptoeing towards the door. When I pulled it open I immediately bumped into Amber, who was grinning widely, blushing when she saw me stare at her in amusement. I could hear Cooper talking, and when I looked to my side I could see him on the stairs, phone pressed to his ear, but he was too far away for me to hear what he was saying clearly.

"I thought Cooper was sleeping on the couch." I teased, unable to hide my smile.

"Erm, well - he was, but - I." She stuttered, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

Dimples indented my cheeks with joy. "You like him, don't you?" I beamed, slightly nudging the both of us away from the bedroom door, careful not to wake Harry.

I liked having Amber around. She reminded me what it was like to be a carefree teenager who could laugh with her friends about boys. I just wish Harry felt the same way, but I understand why he can't bring himself to trust her. She is, after all, the enemies daughter. Nothing will ever change that in Harry's mind, which is sad. Really sad. That he is so unable to trust those who deserve it most.

She grabbed onto my arm and pulled me aside, wide eyed and red cheeked, hushing me into silence. "Yes. OK." She laughed, shaking her head, flowing chestnut hair cascading around her shoulders. "I like him." Her smiled soon faded, only to be replaced by a look of disappointment.

"Then why do you look like you're confused? You like him. That's a good thing." I nudged into her side playfully trying to lighten the mood, but it didn't.

She sighed heavily and rubbed her temples heavily with the tips of her long, skinny fingers. Her deep chocolate eyes bored into mine through the deep darkness and held a certain sadness I had seen once before in Harry's eyes. It was the sadness one had when they had given up hope.

"It's never going to happen, for many reasons. For one, he keeps dropping the word 'friend' into every conversation and constantly talks about how he prefers being alone." She whisper-screeched, flustered.

I rolled my eyes at the thought, knowing Cooper only did those things in defence, because he was scared. He was scared of the feelings he had for her, and trust me, he had them. "Amber. Boys don't look at girls the way he looks at you when they're just friends. He cares, ok? You just have to give him and his foolish pride time to admit it." I smiled reassuringly, but she didn't seem any calmer.

"Yeah. Well, what do you do when the boy you're falling for is trying you kill your dad? And sure, I hate my dad but could I really ever be with someone who was involved with his death? Could I really do that?" Her words hit me like knifes, I hadn't realized that fact before.

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