Chapter 24

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Harry's Pov

I stepped out of the smoke, holding the silver, sleek gun in my hand. I could see the look of terror in their eyes, but it didn't stop me. I kept walking closer, my eyes dark and my body tense. I tilted my head to the side and smirked, aiming the gun at his head. He groveled, pleading for his pathetic little life. I laughed, looking up to see Charlie nod in my direction. I closed my eyes over, holding back the tears that threatened to fall. My finger pulled on the trigger and the bang echoed in the air. The gun drops to the ground and his sinister laugh rings in my ears. I can feel him behind me and he is laughing hysterically.

"Once she sees the real you, she will leave. You're like me, Harry. You're the devil, and devils don't deserve love." He hissed, slapping me across the back.

"She does love me. She does." I whispered repeatedly, trying to convince myself.

I clenched my fists tightly, and I could now feel blood smear across my palms. I heard a low gasp, and my eyes shot open. There she stood, beautiful and shocked before me. Her hand covering her mouth as she looked at me with teary eyes.

"What have you done?" she whimpers.

I try to reply but her look of disappointment kills me. I'm frozen, i'm broken, i'm small.

"You're just like him." she whispers, slowly stepping back.

"" I stutter, falling to my knees as my arms wrap around her legs.

"Goodbye, Harry." She breathes, and in that moment i finally know what heartbreak feels like.

I clutch tighter, sobbing as i beg her to stay. I look up, and she's looking into my eyes, but she's looking right through me. She doesn't love me anymore.

She pushes me away and runs. I scream at the top of my lungs, but she doesn't look back. She's gone and i'm alone.

She's gone and i can't breathe.

"Please, please come back to me. I love you."

I shoot up from the bed and gasp, struggling to catch my breath as tears stain my cheeks. Closing my eyes, i breathe in deeply, relived that it was only a dream. I chuckle at my stupidity and flicker my eyes open. My eyes drift to the side, hoping to catch a glimpse of a sleeping Scarlet, but panic sets in when her side of the bed is empty. I jump to my feet and i can feel my heart pound against my chest in fear. I call out her name, over and over again, but there is no reply. I race down the stairs and into the living area, but again she is nowhere to be seen. I choke, placing my hands on the back of my head as i scream in frustration.

"Harry?" he small voice croaked, before her breathtaking laughter followed.

I turned on my heels, gaping at her as she stood in nothing but one of my t-shirt. I rolled my eyes, watching as she dug her spoon into the tub of ice-cream. I smiled, admiring her body as i slowly made my way towards her. Grabbing the ice-cream and spoon from her hand, i smirked, placing them down on a nearby table. I wrapped my arms around her, pressing my forehead to hers.

"You scared me. I woke up and you were gone." I whispered, licking my lips as i looked down at hers.

"Sorry." She insisted. "I was hungry and i couldn't sleep."

"I'm pretty hungry myself." I whispered seductively, leaning down to place a kiss on the side of her lips.

She blushed, gulping loudly as her fingers dug into the back of my t-shirt. My fingers ran down her small spine as my lips gently pressed to hers. Her lips worked against mine, sweet and slow and full of need. I pulled back, looking at her in lust as I took her small hand in mine. I led her over to the couch, taking a seat as i stood her tiny frame between my legs. She shuffled nervously, blushing under my intense gaze.

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