Chapter 20

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Harry's Pov

I smiled widely at the sound of Scarlet rummaging around upstairs. My best friend and my girlfriend would shortly meet, and the thought made me nervous. I shook my fears aside and quickly made my way to the front door as the bell once again rung. Pulling it open, I was taken a back; Cooper had changed so much. He had grown up, I guess.

"Nice beard you got going on there, coop." I chuckled mockingly.

"It's called puberty Harry, don't worry, you'll get there, eventually." He laughed, pushing his way in the front door.

I pulled him into a manly hug and patted him hard on the back - Cooper knew better than anyone what I had been through. When we worked for Charlie, we some traumatic and haunting things. Things I would never forget.

"It's good to see you Coop." I whispered, unable to hide my emotion.

"Hey, come on." He demanded, pushing me back slightly as a menacing grin plastered across his face.

"There's not time for all this soppy shit, we have lives to ruin; Charlie's to destroy." His blue eyes glowed with humour.

Cooper never was one for sitting about and wasting time; he knew Charlie would have his next move planned, which meant - we needed to plan ours.

He sat across from me, looking at me with a serious expression. Sighing heavily he ran his fingers through his thick and messed, hazel hair.

"Harry, I'll hep you, but you need to promise me something." He demanded, looking at me with a look I had never seen on him before - sympathy.

"What?" I asked, raising my eyebrows questionably.

He leaned over the kitchen counter, his lips now parting to speak when his eyes suddenly shot up. He smile widely and gave me a nod of approval, and I instantly knew Scarlet was near.

"You must be Scarlet." He beamed, slouching back; but his eyes told me our conversation wasn't over.

I looked over my shoulder and my breath hitched in my throat. She approached slowly and shyly, wearing one of my t-shirts and a fresh pair of joggers. She nodded, biting her lower lip as her loving brown eyes met the hunger in mine.

"You must be Cooper." She smiled, shuffling awkwardly as we both watched her closely.

I shook my head and chuckled before reaching out my hand for her to take. I guess she had become wary of people she didn't really know; and who can blame her. She breathed deeply and placed her cold hand in mine. I tugged her forward and pulled her close, wrapping my arms tightly around her as she stood in front of me. Placing her hands atop mine she smiled contently, and I knew by the look in her eyes she was thinking about last night. My chin lay upon her shoulder, and she instantly moulded to my touch.

"This is my girlfriend." I spoke with pride, unable to hide my excited grin.

Coopers mouth fell open in shock; I never was one for the whole girlfriend thing. Even when I was with Jen, I never called her my girlfriend. And I certainly didn't show her off to my friends.

"Well, that's a shock." He laughed; his eyes alight with amusement.

He reached out his hand for her to shake, "It's nice to finally meet you, Scarlet. I've heard a lot about you. And I must say, you did what we thought would never be possible."

She placed her hand in his and shook firmly, before squinting her eyes in confusion.

"What would that be then?" She giggled nervously. And I have to admit, I was nervous too.

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