Chapter 2

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I turn to face him. His lips mere inches from mine as his dark eyes burn with desire. I jolt my body back so fast I think I have given myself whiplash.

"How do you know my name?" I question, scrunching my nose as my eyebrows raised.

He smiled, dimples indenting his cheeks perfectly. I couldn't deny they fact he was breathtakingly beautiful, but his eyes held a darkness that chilled me to the bone. It was the kind of darkness that would make you think twice about turning the lights off at night.

"Your nose is so cute." He teases, flicking his long finger over the tip, biting on his lower plump lip.

"Don't touch me." I snap, smacking his hand away.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes, the moment they meet mine he seems angry and cold, and I suddenly fear him. He's terryfying.

"Liam just said it." He scowls, but his lips subconsciously smile.

"Oh... Right." I mumble awkwardly.

I look back to the front, nervous and confused as I try my best to ignore him.

"But I knew it before he did." He whispers.

I don't move. I can't. He's right beside me, making it hard for me to breath or to even speak. He's intense, much more so than I imagined he would be. I can see why people fear him; his eyes alone would make you wary of the things he could do. You can tell he enjoys it; the power, the feeling he gets from being worshipped.

"How?" I croak, my voice low and laced with fright.

"I have my ways, Scarlet Rose Evan's." I freeze, shivering at the way my name slowly rolls off his tongue.

I shudder. How does he know my full name? I've never told anyone my middle name before, and here he is, this complete stranger, saying it like he knows me personally.

I see him smirk from the side of my eye. He has me on edge and I hate it, I hate.... him. He's arrogant and cocky, and from what I have seen of him - a psychopath. Not that I would say that to his face, of course. My eyes shoot up as his chair scrapes across the marble floor. All eyes now darting across the room at him as he stands to his feet. No one moves or makes a sound, they're too afraid to. They all watch him like he's some sort of god. It's odd and startling. What has he done to become so respected? What are these things he has done that would supposedly give me nightmares?

Clearing his throat he smirks, his eyes darting to mine as he once again flashes me that knowing smile.

"Scarlet's out of bounds. Clear?" My eyes widen, what the fuck?

I'm even more surprised by the amount of heads nodding, than I am at his sudden claim over me. This is insane; who the fuck does this guy think he is? Why can't I speak? Speak, Scarlet.

"Is this a joke?" I breathe, shaking my head, completely in shock.

"No." he smiles, taking his seat once more.

"When I chase a girl, I want to be the only one chasing her." He released a low breath, and watched me with glowing and protective eyes as his fingers danced across the bar skin on my arm..

"Leave her alone Harry!" A female voice snaps and rage creases his features.

"Stay the fuck out of this Jennifer." He's furious now, but his gaze is still focused on me.

His fists clench and his breathing deepens, both of us now turning to face her. It's her - his ex - the girl with the scar on her face. The scar he supposedly gave her.

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