Chapter 15

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Harry's Pov

"You're mine now." I lowly whispered, scaring myself with the possessiveness in my tone.

I felt her body tense beneath mine. We may have taken a step forward tonight. She may be mine now. But we still have a long way to go. I have demons to battle, and she has to know she can trust me. But, how can she trust me when I don't even trust myself? How can she trust... a heartless monster?

She placed her small and trembling hands on my shoulders and slowly pushed me back. Gulping loudly, she looked at me in fright, reaching her fingers out to my chest. Tracing my tensed muscles as my eyes closed over in delight.

"W....Why are you covered in blood?" Her voice shook as her touch disappeared.

My eyes shot back open, finding her at the end of her bed with her head in her hands. I stood in front of her, taking in a deep breath as I watched her intently.

"I went to visit Johnny.."

"WHAT?" she screeched, deep brown eyes now finding mine.

"But you sai-

"I didn't kill him Scarlet, fuck sake." I snapped, causing her to jump back as her eyes watered.

"I didn't say you did." She hissed.

"You know what, why do I even bother? You just throw it back in my face. I was worried that he had hurt you Harry, ok? I wasn't accusing you of anything. I told you I believed you, obviously you don't believe me." She croaked, wiping away her falling tears.

I ran my fingers through my damp and limp curls as I heavily sighed. Pain shot across my chest at her obvious look of despair. I placed my body between her thighs and trailed my finger along her jaw line. She still refused to look at me, and it killed me. I pushed back her golden locks before gently lifting her chin. She fought her urge, but eventually her breathtaking eyes met mine. The feeling I felt every time she would look at me was indescribable. It felt like home. For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged. I held out my hands, desperately hoping she would trust me enough to give me the pleasure of her blissful touch.

"I'm sorry, ok? Scarlet, I'm sorry. But you need to realise how hard this is for me." I could feel my eyes burn as my voice broke in a tortured whisper.

Sympathy washed over her when she realised my vulnerable state. Placing her soft and shaky hands in mine, I pulled her onto her feet before brining her close to my chest. I could feel my heart race as forbidden desire took over. I wanted to kiss her, to touch every part of her, to bring her pleasure she had never known. I wanted to taste her, to feel her. I wanted her, and I wanted all of her.

"Then tell me," she begged.

"Trust me. Please." Her body moved closer, her palm now resting on my cheek as he thumb brushed over my bruised skin.

My bottom lip quivered as my arms wrapped around her small frame. She made me feel safe, needed, she made me feel wanted. I had never been wanted before. I was always the way. I did trust her, more than I had ever trusted anyone. I just didn't trust myself, with her.

"I'm numb." My voice echoed through the room, causing her to hold onto me tighter.

"I've never felt a fucking thing in my entire life." I continue, struggling to get my feelings out.

"Not until you. And I don't know how to deal with it. You make me crazy. You make me feel and it terrifies me. And nothing scares me. Don't you get that? Nothing scares me... nothing but you." The words left my mouth, leaving me breathless as I buried my face into the crook of her neck.

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