Chapter 14

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Scarlet's Pov

We walked side by side in a comfortable silence. Darkness was beginning to fall and I was growing tired. Tommy had been acting strange ever since the visit with his mum. I know something was said between the two, I just don't know what. He was determined to take me out to celebrate my birthday tomorrow, but I decided against the idea. I was exhausted and emotionally drained, and I was beginning to be unsettled by the way strangers would look at my bruised and battered face. I felt like everyone was after me. I felt unsafe. I also had this feeling, deep inside, telling me that I had to go home. I turned to face him, smiling lightly as we reached the outside of my house, but he was still in a world of his own.

"Tommy, you alright?" I asked, laughing nervously.

It was only when he turned to face me that I realised how pale he was, like he was sick or in a state of shock. I had never seen him look so out of it. He nodded his head and forced a smile onto his cracked lips.

"Yeah, I'm fine kiddo." He whispered, almost painfully.

"Are you sure?" I asked with concern laced in my tone.

"Yeah, I'm sure. It's just been a weird day." He shook his head and sighed heavily.

I didn't know how to react. I had never, ever seen him like this before. He was usually so strong and together, but something was brining him down. But, knowing Tommy, he would never tell me what. I warily took a step forward, continuing when he didn't move back. My arms wrapped around him as I hugged him tightly. He hugged back, breathing heavily as his arms wrapped around me with force.

"Thanks for today. You're always coming to my rescue." I smiled widely, feeling him chuckle slightly.

"Well I owed you. You saved me, remember?" He choked, pulling back to look at me.

I looked to the ground as I felt my eyes sting. Nodding, I brought my gaze back up so our eyes now met.

"How could I forget? I almost lost my best friend." I mumbled, trembling at the thought.

"Yeah, well you didn't. Because you saved my life, and now I'm going to save yours." He demanded, looking at me with an unfamiliar intensity.

"Anyway, enough of the doom and gloom." He beamed. "You sure I can't tempt you to party with me? Tomorrow is your birthday." His cheeky smile had returned, and I couldn't help but blush.

"I would love too, really, I would. But, right now I just want to go to bed and forget this day, or this month ever happened. I just want to forget any of it ever happened." I whispered.

"I get it." He shrugged. "I'll come see you tomorrow, ok? And, you know where I am if you need me." he insisted, waving gently as I slowly walked up the driveway.

"Scarlet." He called out, just as I opened the front door.

I turned around, looking at him from the short distance. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Can I ask you something?" He questioned, forcing his hands into his pockets.

"Anything." I smiled, trying to put my best friend at ease.

"Harry." I froze as he spoke his name, and suddenly I was unable to look him in the eyes.

"You're asking me about Harry?" I mumbled, twiddling my fingers as darkness set in.

"Yeah. I just, I just want to know something and I want you to tell me the truth. You don't need to lie, not to me Scarlet." His tone was serious and stern as my eyes shot up.

"Wow, erm... honestly? Yeah. Yeah, I like him. I never wanted to, nor did I expect to. But I do, I like him. A lot, actually." I breathed, shocking myself at the sudden realisation.

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