Chapter 13

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Scarlet's Pov

He sat across from me, his expression unreadable, as I looked right through him. I felt nothing for the boy in front of me, absolutely nothing. He was a stranger - someone I didn't know, not anymore. His eyes were pleading with me, pleading for reason. I had none. He lied. I guess what hurts the most is finding out what kind of person he really is. He has a son. A son he abandoned. What type of person does that make him? The lies I could have forgiven, probably, but this? This I cannot. My eyes shot up, and I smiled warmly as Becky walked in and placed two mugs of tea onto the coffee table.

"Do you want me to stay, or will you be ok?" She asked - her voice laced with concern.

"I'll be fine." I whispered, "Thank you."

She nodded, sighing heavily. "Ok, shout if you need me,"

I shifted awkwardly, watching as she made her way out. She left the door halfway open and flashed me a concerned smile before disappearing from my view. He smiled warily at me, awaiting my reaction - but I surprisingly didn't have one. Instead I remained cold and silent. My worst fear was coming true. I was becoming emotionless. He licked his lips and twiddled his fingers, guilt flooding his deep brown eyes.

"It was three years ago..." He began, causing my eyes to widen as he opened up.

"I was fourteen, going on fifteen... we met at a party and then we hooked up for months. Then she fell pregnant. I was scared Scarlet. I was just a teenage boy. I couldn't be a dad. I know what I did was wrong, but.... I didn't like her, I had no feelings for her... it was just sex. It wasn't like us, you mea-

"Don't" I warned. "I don't want to hear this. I don't need to hear this. It doesn't change anything. You need to step up and take responsibility for your actions Jack. You have a son, a son who needs a father."

"I know. And I will be." He demanded, silencing me on the spot.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that this happened to you." He whispered, his voice broken and horsed.

"Don't be. You didn't do this to me." I insisted, blinking lifelessly.

"It's partly my fault. I knew this would happen if I go-

"No." I yelled.

"I won't have anyone feeling like this was their fault. It was mine, ok? Mine. They all warned me. My dad, aunt Kathy.... They told me to stay away from boys like you. I should have listened, but I didn't. Instead i....

"Got involved with two of us?" He snarled, hatred in his eyes.

"What? What ar-

"HARRY." He screamed. "Did you think I wouldn't notice? I saw the look in your eyes every time I mentioned his name. You like him, don't you?"

"I don't know what type of girl you think I am, but nothing ever happened between Harry and me. And to be honest, my relationship with him is really none of your business. Can you just go? Please." I begged, tears filling my eyes as pain shot through my aching body.

He slammed his hand down onto the coffee table and shot to his feet. Pacing back and forth he shook his head, staring at me with nothing but sorrow.

"No." He demanded, calmly making his way over to me.

He placed his hands either side of the chair I was sat on, and leaned closer to me. I flinched, moving back. I never feared him before, so why did I now? My trust had gone, completely.

"Look, I get it. We're done and there is no going back. But I won't sit by and watch you make a mistake. Harry is a monster, Scarlet. Promise me you will stay away from him. Promise me." He pleaded, wrapping his hands around my wrists with force.

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