Chapter 12

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Scarlet's Pov

My day had turned into night, and my night day. I was confused. Stuck. Tangled in a web of uncertainty. No one around me could be trusted, not even the people closest to me. I was aware that I was in complete agony, yet, I felt uncomfortably numb.

My eyes watched the clock as another minute ticked by. I was surrounded by family and friends; yet, I had never felt more alone in my entire life. I couldn't stand the pitying stares. I couldn't stand the way they all watched my every move, or how they would speak to me like I was a child. I love my family and love my friends, but they're not helping. No matter how much I want to smile, and say I'm fine - I can't. I'm not ok. And it's not because of the bruises or scars. It's not because of what happened to me. I don't know what it is. Something is just... something is missing.

"I can't believe someone just jumped you. Why would someone do that, and to you?" Belle gasped, sympathy in her eyes.

"You'd be surprised to know what some people are really capable of." I replied, emotionless.

"Scarlet, are you ok? You don't look so good." Liam asked - concern laced in his tone.

"Hmm." I hummed, tears filling my eyes.

"I'm just tired." I breathed, struggling to stand on my feet.

Tommy was by my side in an instant, his arms around my tiny frame as he gently lifted me off of the sofa. I winced, every part of my body throbbing in pain. The pain wasn't as bad as I had thought; sure, it hurt like hell and I felt like screaming, but it reminded me that, for now, I was still alive. Tommy smiled warmly, his eyes burning into mine with painful concern. He hadn't left my side since it happened. He had been sleeping on the sofa for the past week, jumping up every time he heard the slightest sound. He's been my rock.

"Thank you." I whispered, before removing myself from his grip.

I turned to Belle and Liam. All eyes one me, leaving me no space to breathe. Mum had been suffocating. I get it, I do. I would be the same. But, I just need.... Someone else.

"I really appreciate you guys coming to see me, I do, really. I'm - I, I'm just not really up to talking right now. Sorry." I choked, feeling like the worst friend in the world - but I couldn't bare the thought of anyone seeing me so, so weak.

"Scarlet, do you wa-"

"I just want to go to sleep." I whispered, cutting Becky off mid-sentence.

"We'll hopefully see you at school next week." Belle smiled warmly, standing to her feet as her arms - ever so lightly, wrapped around me.

"I'll be back on Monday. I miss you. Both of you."bI manage a weak smile as my voice's strains.

I pull for her grip and place a soppy kiss to Liam's cheek. His eyes meet mine and I know, that he knows, that there is a lot more to this than I have told them. I want to tell them, more than anything. But, the last thing I want right now is to drag more innocent people into this mess. If anyone I cared about was to get hurt because of me, I would never be able to forgive myself. Infact, I'd rather be dead.

"I'll help you up the stairs." Tommy smiled, reaching out to me.

I shook my head and gulped, loudly. "No. I'm ok, I promise. I just want to be on my own for a while." I whispered, slowly making my way out of the living area.

I could feel all eyes on me, all filled with sympathy and worry. I ignored it and painfully pulled myself up the stairs. I could hear their voices mumble as I closed over my room door. I felt uncomfortable, really, really uncomfortable. Like i wasn't safe in my own home. Like I would never be safe again. I gave my room the once over. Checking every wardrobe, cupboard and even under the bed. I felt my chest tighten as panic set in, I felt like I couldn't breathe.

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