Chapter 16

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Scarlet's Pov

The gun lay on the centre of my kitchen table. He sat across from me, his brown eyes filled with pure, emotionless evil. Harry was on the floor, beaten within an inch of his life. I closed my eyes over as I heard his painful cries. I was angry, angry with myself for being so powerless. I wanted to help him, to save him, but I couldn't. I should be scared, right? I should be terrified. My life could end at any moment, yet I didn't seem to care. It was anger. Anger had clouded my mind, and my judgement. I squirmed as two hands grabbed onto my shoulders, holding me down, keeping me still. Charlie smirked, making himself comfortable as he stared me out.

"I must say Scarlet, I'm pleasantly surprised. You're not at all what I was expecting." He smiled, leaning his elbows on the table as he edged in closer.

"Funny." I spat. "Because you're exactly what I was expecting."

"Really? How so?" He beamed, unfazed by my venomous stare.

"You're a cold, evil, heartless bastard." I smiled sarcastically, doing my best to appear strong.

I was never one for holding my tongue and I wasn't about to start now. He was going to kill me anyways; I may as well die defending myself. He laughed hysterically, his two cronies joining in before his eyes darted to Harry.

"I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but your little boyfriend there is just the same as me. I mean, he did work for me, and too work for me? You need to be heartless. And believe me, he was. Oh, the things he did.... the lives he ruined. I wonder if you would be so quick to defend him if you knew the truth." He shrugged; his words empty as he slouched into his chair.

I didn't know what to say, and when Harry could no longer bear to look me in the eyes, I knew there was truth in Charlie's words.

"What's the matter Scarlet, cat got your tongue? I'm sure you were warned about him. But maybe you like the danger. Just know that your inevitable death will be his fault. Well, not just his...there was Jack, but somehow I don't think he cares about you anymore...but there's still Tommy. You dying will destroy him. And I can't wait to watch." He hissed, his eyes glowing in amusement.

"TOMMY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" I snapped, moving forward only to be jolted back with force.

He shook his head, seemingly baffled by my outburst. "So naive. You really have no idea, do you?

I lifted my gaze, my brown glazed eyes meeting the dull of his. I looked it him with hate, nothing but disgust and hate. I wanted to reach for the gun. I wanted to aim it through his heart. I wanted to kill him, and if I wasn't held down, maybe I would.

"Scar." Harry croaked, doing his best to push off of the ground, but he had no strength.

I closed my eyes over and felt a salty tear roll off of my cheek. That's when it hit me. My life meant nothing, not to me, but the lives of the people I care about? They mean everything. My eyes shot open when I heard Harry wince. Charlie stood over him, ushering more blows to his already bloody face.

"STOP! PLEASE, STOP. YOU'LL KILL HIM." I screamed, sobbing uncontrollably when I saw the excruciating pain in Harry's once beautifully, burning orbs.

"No one would miss him. He's nothing but a waste of space." Charlie spat, punching him one last time before slamming him back onto the floor.

"NOW SHUT UP, HARRY, OR I WILL KILL YOU...BOTH." He demanded, his words holding a dark and warning promise.

"Just kill me, ok? I don't care anymore. Leave them alone and kill me, please. Hurt Harry, hurt Tommy, hurt them by killing me." I begged, my eyes pleading with him as Harry screamed out in protest.

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