CHAPTER 20 : Playing Problem Solver

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I couldn't shake the guilt that weighed down on me as I watched Lauren leave the Batcave. 

It was like a punch to the gut, seeing her hurt and angry, knowing that I had contributed to it.

Bruce's decision to keep her in the dark about our secret lives felt suffocating, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I turned to Batman, anger coursing through me. "You see what's happened now? She's hurt because of this secret. We should've trusted her with the truth from the beginning!"

Batman, as usual, remained stoic. "We have our reasons, Jason. The less people know, the safer they are."

I gritted my teeth, frustration boiling over. 

"But she's not just 'people.' She's my best friend. She deserves to know who I am, what I do." i point out  both with words and physically with my hands my frustration holding a firm grip on my tone.

Bruce dismissed my anger with a wave of his hand.

 "We'll deal with this situation. Right now, you need to calm down." he gives me his usual Don't disobey and test  me glare   his posture tall and solid.

Calm down? How could I calm down when I felt like I had let Lauren down so badly?

I stormed out of the Batcave and made my way to my room knocking and slamming every unbreakable object I could to show my anger.

The anger and guilt were too much to bear the minute my room door closed.

I felt my emotions root and set a single  mindset .... RELEASE ME .

red eyed I fixate on a chair I always hated.

building up I kick the  chair in frustration, sending it skidding across the room and crashing against the wall . 

 The action doesn't settle my mind  and only creates more whirlwind  emotions I couldn't control.

Alfred entered my room silent as usual , concern etched on his face. "Master Jason, are you alright?"

I turned to him, my frustration still simmering. "No, Alfred, I'm not alright. I can't believe Batman wouldn't let me tell Lauren the truth."

Alfred approached me, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

 "I understand your frustration, Master Jason, but Bruce's decision was made with your best interests in mind. He's always looking out for you." his eyes show his concern his tone gentle but firm trying to not upset me more.

I ran a hand through my hair, feeling defeated. 

"I just want Lauren to be safe and to know that she can trust me. I can't stand the thought of her being angry and hurt." I admit in defeat letting my anger roll into small waves.

Alfred's voice was soothing as he spoke. "I'll do my best to comfort her and make sure she's alright. In the meantime, you should try to calm down and think about how to mend the situation."

I nodded, appreciating Alfred's support. "Thank you, Alfred. Please find her and make sure she's okay."

Alfred gave me a reassuring smile and left the room. 

I knew that he would do his best to mend the situation, just as he always did.

I sat on my bed, taking a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. 

I had to find a way to make things right with Lauren, to rebuild the trust I had shattered.

But before I could formulate a plan, I heard the familiar roar of the Batmobile engine as it roared down the drive . 

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