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As you will see down below, I am going to put Links name in the middle and bold. It just means that is his POV.


I quickly made my way into Rhett and I's shared office. I felt like a total idiot. I was catching feelings hard. Ana probably thinks I am a total creep. There is just something about her that pulls me in. Her dark eyes, the black hair with purple tips, or her amazing curvy small frame. I shouldn't think like that, but she is mesmerizing. 

I must've spaced out thinking about her because Rhett was in front of me clapping his hands. 

"Hey brother you good?"

I looked at him and smiled a little.

"Yeah, I'm good. I just spaced out a little."

He nodded at sat at the desk. 

"So, I want you to completely hear me out, ok?"

I glanced at him knowing what he was about to say. We've had this conversation many times. 

"Jessie has a friend that we would like to set you up with. I know in the past it hasn't worked out, but I really think this time it will." 

"As much as I appreciate that offer, I would like to decline. I don't want to be set up with anyone anymore."

I just had my eyes on someone who is out of my league. 

"Well if you change your mind just let me know man."

I nodded at my best friend and got up. I need to go for a walk. I needed to clear my head. 

Sometime passed later and I found myself walking past Ana's office. I stood there for a second contemplating whether or not to knock. Rhett was coming the opposite direction and noticed it. 

"Hey man you good?"

There was that question again. Of course, I wasn't good. I was falling for someone that not only worked for me but probably didn't feel the same.  

"Rhett you're my best friend man. I feel like we should talk. I got these feelings that are just eating at my brain brother."

He smirked. I think he knew right off the bat. I mean when your friends with someone thirty plus years it's not hard. 

"Is this about a certain crew member?"

He smirked again and I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. 

I didn't know what to say. 

I caught a glimpse of Ana walking towards her office. She was typing quickly on her phone with a sour face. Before I could register to move, she bumped right into me. Rhett just let it happen that sly fucker. 

She looked up at me red as a beet. Those dark eyes staring up at me. 

"I am so so sorry sir." she quickly said. 

I chuckled a bit admiring how cute she looked all red and slightly embarrassed she ran into us. 

"Don't worry about it..."

I almost let darlin slip out. 

Rhett and I nodded, let her in her office, and then proceeded to make our way to our own. 

"So, about that certain crew member."

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks once again. Just the mention of her made my heart skip a beat.

"I'm going to be frank with you man. That woman is on my mind day and night since we hired her. There is just something about her. I haven't felt this way about someone in a long-time man."

"I've seen the way you look at her. I would like you to know that I will support you in whatever you want to do."

"I just feel like she is out of my league and she's young man."

"Brother, she is only twenty-five. If she is someone you want to go after don't let age get in the way."

I pushed my glasses up and realized he was right. I just need to find the right time to talk to her. Even if it made things awkward between us, I felt like she should know and hopefully if I am lucky, she feels the same. 

Much Love!!

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