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The weekend was filled with not only lots of sex but fancy dinners or late-night ice cream runs. Ana made me feel like a teenager. She had me under a spell and I was not one bit complaining. She brought out the best in me. 

I would protect this woman with every fiber in my body. Nothing nor no one was going to hurt her in any way possible. I'd do anything for her. She started becoming my whole world. I probably wouldn't tell her to her face, but she is definitely wrapped around my finger. 

I could never possibly say no to her especially when she flashed her big doe eyes at me. I would fall to my knees and worship her if she asked. I was crazy about her. My heart definitely knew what it wanted. I know it's too early to say I love you, but I know deep down I love this woman. 

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard soft knocks on the office door. I got up and came around the desk to the door. I swung the door open to be met with Ana. She was sporting a crop top with middle fingers where her breasts were with leggings that hugged all the right places. 

"Hi there darlin."

"Hi. I couldn't focus and I am kind of lonely in my office. I was just wondering if I could sit in here on the couch. I promise to be quiet so you can get some work done as well."

I grinned and moved from the door frame so she could come in. She kicked off her shoes and sat comfortably on the couch. 

"Darlin you could literally talk to yourself, and I would be able to get work done. Rhett does it sometimes, so it is something I've gotten used to." 

She giggled before opening her laptop and starting to type away. Rhett came in soon after. 

"Oh, hey Ana", Rhett said. 

"Hi.", she replied back. 

"She was lonely and couldn't focus. So, she asked if she could sit in here. I figured you wouldn't have a problem with it.", I spoke. 

"No of course not brother. I would like to get to know her more. She is dating my best friend after all."

Some time passed by before Rhett went out and got us all lunch. I couldn't help but notice Ana trying not to doze off. 

"Darlin, you know that couch is pretty comfortable. Rhett and I have taken plenty of naps on it. I'm sure I can go find a blanket in our dressing room and possibly a pillow."

"I'm fine. I really need to get this done."

I came around the desk sitting on the edge. 

"You just look tired, and I can tell you are fighting off the sleep. We had a long weekend as well. 

I saw her turn beet red remembering what happened over the weekend. I chuckled and grabbed her laptop. 

"Why don't you eat lunch when it gets here and take a nap for me darlin. Rhett and I will be filming an episode and MORE so no one would disturb you. I will go get that blanket and pillow."

She sighed in defeat as I left the room. As I was returning Rhett was walking through the door with our lunch. We all ate together making small talk. Once we all finished, I threw all of our trash away. 

"I'm going to go ahead and head to the set brother.", Rhett spoke. 

"I will be there as soon as I get her fixed up."

Rhett nodded before he left the office. I set the pillow down. Ana laid down and I covered her with the blanket giving her forehead a kiss. 

"You try really hard and take a nap for me baby doll. Once we get done filming, I will wake you up unless you wake up beforehand. So, that you can get back to your work and Rhett and I aren't disturbing you."

She nodded and her eyes fluttered shut. I shut the light off making my way out of the office softly closing the door before making my way to the set. Rhett and I filmed the episode and followed it up with MORE. We decided to hang around the studio and catch up with the crew members so Ana could rest a little more. 

Much Love!!

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