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It had been a few months since Ana moved in with me. It was amazing. Waking up to her beautiful face every morning and her walking around here with just my shirts on. 

She had taken over my office, we have acquired many house plants, and my dogs Jade and Jasper are now wearing little shirts and sweaters. I can't complain though. She makes me extremely happy, and I really wouldn't have it any other way. 

I was getting dressed for work in our walk-in closet, peeping at Ana's naked silhouette wrapped in the sheets. She had taken the week off to unwind. I hated that she wasn't joining me this morning, but she was getting tense and having writer's block. 

Once I got my shoes on, I made my way over to the bed. I kissed her temple and made my way to the door. I took one last look at her before I left closing the door softly. 

After I made my way to work, I headed to my office. Rhett was sitting on the couch on his laptop. I'm sure he was responding to emails and what not. I set my stuff down and sat at the desk. My mind took me back to when I took Ana on this desk. It was an adrenaline rush trying not to get caught. 

"Hey man!", Rhett spoke. 

"Hey brother."

"How is it finally living with a woman who isn't your mom."

"I tell you man it is nice. We have house plants, and the dogs are wearing clothes. I don't have an office anymore. I tell you though I wouldn't change it for the world."

Rhett chuckled and ran his hand up his shoulder length hair moving it from his face. 

"Sounds about right. I can definitely see a change in how you carry yourself. I can tell she's made a real good impact on you man."

I took my turn to chuckle opening my laptop. 

"I wanted your opinion man. I was thinking about getting Ana a promise ring. I know I am forty-five years old, but I think it is way too soon to even think about marriage. I just want to give her something to show her I eventually plan on marrying her or I promise to take care of her as long as she will have me. Something like that."

Rhett moved his laptop and moved to the edge of the couch. 

"Brother, I think it would be nice. Who cares how old you are. If you want to give her a nice ring and promise her whatever your heart desires, then do it. We can go look at rings after work if you'd like."

Work flew by quickly and just as Rhett suggested we went to go look at rings. He pointed out a few good ones but a certain one caught my eye. Call me cheesy or what not but this silver infinity heart diamond was perfect. 

After I bought the ring Rhett, and I went our separate ways. I stopped at a store and bought some roses. It wasn't much but I think it is the thought that counts. I pulled into the driveway and tried to fix my hair the best I could. 

I made my way into the house and caught a glimpse of Ana in my shirt swaying her hips in the kitchen. I grinned knowing she was comfortable and hopefully making food. I walked to the kitchen hugging her from behind putting the roses right in front of her. 

She twirled around and gave me a passionate kiss. 

"Baby! These are beautiful.", she grinned already starting to prepare them to put in a vase. I grabbed her hands to stop her. 

"Darlin, I want to give you something better. This is just a placement for something better in the future. Since we've been together you've made me happier. You make me want to be a better man. I couldn't ask for a better woman to spend my life with. I-I truly love you, Ana. That isn't something we have said yet, but I truly do. I was waiting for the right time to let it come out."

I pulled the box out of my front pocket and opened it revealing the beautiful ring. 

"Darlin, I promise to love you and care for you as long as you let me. I hope one day I can exchange this for an engagement ring then to a wedding ring."

Ana was in tears, and she threw her arms around me hugging me tightly. When she pulled back, I slipped the ring onto her finger. 

"Baby I love you too. I love this ring as well."

I kissed her passionately. When she pulled away, she fixed her roses and set them in the vase. I took over cooking whilst she helped. We ate dinner and just spent the night in each other's presence and embrace. 

I was so thankful I had the perfect woman to not only love me back but share this home with. Share everything with. One day I would make her Mrs. Neal. 

Much Love!!

Enchanted to Meet Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें