Panic Attacks

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It had been a month or two since Link proposed. He was at work, and I was currently sat in our 'shared' office already planning the wedding. I put a few different idea boards together. I wanted to get Links final opinion on the wedding. 

Wedding planning isn't easy. I wanted everything to be perfect. I had called a few different places about a venue, but nobody had openings around the time we wanted to set the date. Then I had to worry about the cake, food and even a dress. 

A couple hours had passed, and I was starting to get overwhelmed. Link was due home any minute and I felt like he couldn't get home fast enough. My breathing started to quicken, and my head was getting fuzzy. I knew this familiar exhausting feeling. I haven't had a serious panic attack in quite a while, the last time I had one was the day before I moved to L.A. 

I moved from the office chair to the floor to try and ground myself against the cool hardwood floor, but it didn't seem to help much. The tears started to flow, and I felt like I couldn't catch my breath. I felt like the walls were closing in around me. 

Link walked into the office and dropped his back making his way over to kneel in front of me. I knew he was there, but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. 

"Darlin? Can you hear me?", Link questioned reaching out to grab my hand. 

I glanced up at him and felt my throat close up. Link moved to sit on the floor and grabbed my legs to slowly move them straight. He moved my hand he held to his chest where his heartbeat was. 

"Can you feel that darlin? Can you feel me breathing? I want you to try and copy my breathing. I'm going to take some deep breaths."

Link started to take slow deep breaths keeping my one hand on his chest while he held the other rubbing his thumb across the back of it. I slowly tried to match his breathing. 

"There we go baby. Keep going. You're doing great."

I kept focusing on his breathing until I was finally able to catch my breath. Once I was calm enough to move, I sat in his lap. Link moved one hand behind me to slowly rub my back the other keeping my hand on his chest. 

"Good. You're doing amazing baby. Just keep breathing like that for me baby."

A couple of mins later I finally calmed down to sniffles and less deep breaths. 

"I'm sorry."

"Don't you ever be sorry darlin."

I moved off Links lap slowly standing up. Link stood up and grabbed my hand. 

"You need a break from this wedding planning. Let's order take out and we can watch a movie. We can plan on the weekends so that way you aren't doing it all alone ok?"

I nodded. Link moved in front of me and brushed some hair behind my ear leaning down and kissing my forehead. The rest of the evening we had dinner, watched a couple of movies, and cuddled on the couch. 

I was more than thankful to have Link there. I couldn't wait to spend my life with him. He was everything I could ever ask for.  

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