Call In

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I had just a few more days including the weekend until I had to be back at work. Link had gotten up and was in the walk-in closet getting dressed. I did not want him to go in today. Something in me lately just wanted him to be all mine. 

"Baby just call in and stay with me."

I heard him chuckle as he came to the end of the bed carrying a pair of shoes. 

"Darlin it's not even a full day of work. It is just a few hours. I'll be home before you know it."

I sighed loudly and threw a pillow at him before getting on my knees and crawling to the end of the bed. 

"Or you just undress and come lay in this bed with me."

Link smirked and put his shoes down before leaning down to kiss me. He groaned pulling away. I smirked knowing he wasn't going into work. 

Link left the room which I am assuming to let Rhett know he won't be coming in today. Once he was done, he came back into the room and headed to the walk-in closet. He hung up his clothes and put on some grey sweats. 

I giggled and moved back onto our pillows. Link came to the bed and kissed my forehead. 

"Darlin I am going to go make coffee would you like some?"

I nodded and Link left the room. After he had gotten our coffee, we had enjoyed it in comfortable silence. 

Time went by. Link and I showered together and laid right back in bed. It was relaxing knowing there were no distractions, or anything related to work. It was nice seeing Link fully relaxed. 

Link laid on his back with one arm supporting his head whilst the other was around my waist his fingertips brushing against my ass. I had my head laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat and breathing. Anytime something funny was on the tv it would rattle in his chest and make me giggle. 

We spent the rest of the day tangled in bed. Link ordered take out and we sat in the kitchen to eat. 

"You know you should call out more often Mr. Neal."

Links eyes met mine above his glasses. He set his fork down and pushed his glasses onto his face. His lips curved into a smirk. 

"I got to be frank. It was so relaxing just lying there with you darlin. Your curvy frame against mine. My fingertips brushing against your ass and your pretty little head on my chest."

I giggled and got up from the table taking our garbage to the bin. Link wolf whistled at me. I turned to meet his gaze and smirked. 

"Sorry darlin you just look delicious. I've got room for dessert."

I giggled and felt the heat not only rise to my cheeks but to my downstairs. 

"Sorry old man. I'm kind of tired tonight.", I smirked knowing I would get a rise out of him. 

"Oh? Old man? I'll show you old man."

Link swept me off my feet and headed to the bedroom. The rest of the night was filled with intense hot sex. Link made my body do things I didn't know it could do. After we both reached our climaxes, we fell into a deep slumber. 

This chapter seems kind of shitty but oh well. Hope the book is goof thus far. 

Much Love!!

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