Move In With Me

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It had been a few months since Link, and I got together. Everything was perfect. I honestly couldn't ask for a better man. Link was everything I dreamed about. 

I was sitting in my office with the door open when Link dropped by. 

"Darlin, I have a serious question. I want you to move in with me."

I looked at Link frozen in time. Did he just ask me what I think he did?

"Link I don't know."

"Just give it a night's sleep or honestly as long as you need. I would just love to live with you. Being able to wake up next to you or the stupid things like flour fights in the kitchen. Just think about it baby doll." 

He gave me a quick passionate kiss before heading out. I knew he was going to film. Maybe living with Link wouldn't be so bad. I mean from what I could tell he liked things clean and done a certain way. 

The work day ended as soon as it started. After I made my way home I decided I could give living with Link a try. I hated living in this apartment anyways. I decided to give Link a call. 

"Well hello there beautiful. Miss me that much?" 

I giggled going to sit on the couch. 

"I thought about what you said and maybe living together wouldn't be a bad idea. I just need a big strong man to come help me pack. Do you think Rhett is available?", I questioned teasingly. 

Link chuckled lowly. I knew he had to be a little jealous. 

"Darlin you better rethink that statement. I might have to come show you how strong I really am."

I could feel the pool between my legs. What I would give to see his face and how jealous he seemed in person. 

"I'm just teasing sir."

Link groaned over the speaker. 

"Do you wanna start moving your stuff tonight, so I can show you what you're doing to me? We could always just skip the moving tonight and I just come show you."

I giggled and got up from the couch heading to my bedroom. 

"I will start packing and you can make your way over here. It honestly won't take long."

Hours had gone by and we got all of my belongings I wanted was moved into Links house. Everything was stuffed in the guest room. I would have to take some time off of work so I could unpack. 

After Link and I had dinner we went straight to bed. We were both naked just cuddling. The skin to skin contact ran chills up and down my spine. It was intimate in my opinion. Just feeling his skin against mine. 

Link played with my hair almost luring me to sleep. I felt him shift trying to make us more comfortable. I whimpered at the loss of contact. 

"Darlin hold on. I'm just trying to make us more comfortable. You're half asleep and I just wanna make sure you sleep good."

Once he stopped moving he held me close to his body allowing me to drift off to sleep. Link fell asleep soon after. 

I feel like this chapter isn't the best but oh well. 

Much Love!!

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