One More Night

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There is going to be a time jump in this chapter. This chapter is going to contain some drama. I want to start getting more serious with Link and Ana. I really hope everyone who is reading this book is enjoying it. I am thankful people are taking the time to read the book even if it is just a chapter.

Link and I have been dating for a year now. To say we have the perfect relationship would be false. We've had our ups and downs even fights. What couple doesn't go through that. I love Link with every fiber in my body.

It was always stupid fights over the small things. Dishes, laundry, even gas in the car. We always made up and never went to bed angry at one another. This time was different.

Link was starting to be distant. He would come to bed later or stay in his office during dinner. My mind went to thinking he was cheating, or he was falling out of love. I knew the first option wouldn't happen and I hoped the second one was true.

I caught and Uber from work to the house since I was done for the day and quite frankly, I wanted to go home for a while and let Link figure out if he wants to continue our relationship.

I stood in our shared bedroom thinking of all the good times we had. Late nights to almost being late for work. I sighed and made my way to the closet grabbing some suitcases before picking out clothes.

Link came home soon after and came rushing into the room. He noticed the suitcases and came over to grab my waist.

"Are we going on vacation darlin?"

I ignored him and kept grabbing clothes. Link spun to me face him, but I couldn't get my eyes to meet his.

"Are you leaving me?"

I pushed past him and started to pack the clothes. Link came over and started to unpack them.

"What the hell are you doing?", I started to get frustrated and repack them.

"Ana what is going on?"

My eyes found his and I choked back tears.

"You have been distant Link and until you can figure out what you truly want, I am going to go back home for a while."

"I want you baby. I've wanted you since I laid eyes on you. I just-.", he paused pushing his glasses up.

"You just what Link? Falling out of love?"

"Not at all Darlin. I just-I don't know what is going on."

I sighed and finished packing.

"When you figure it out give me a call and I will come back home."

"Just stay one more night."

"If I stay one more night, I won't want to leave Link."

"Just one more night darlin."

I sighed and softly nodded. He came behind me and undid my dress before helping me sit on the bed. He got on his knees and took of my flats one at a time. Taking the time to kiss from my ankle to my knee when he took the shoe off for each foot.

That night Link spent hours softly touching my body, kissing, and making slow passionate love. After he drew me a bath where he then washed my body and hair. When I was done, he dried me off and put lotion all over my body and then went back to 'worshipping' me.

I knew I had to have a break. He needed to figure out what he truly wanted. Tomorrow was going to be hard, but I think space is what we need.

The next came day quicker then Link wanted. He drove me to the airport and carried my bags inside. He set them down and held me close. He held my head close to his chest.

"Two weeks Link.", I pulled away and reached up to touch the stubble growing on his jaw.

He leaned into my touch before leaning down and pressing his soft lips against mine. My heart was breaking and before I knew it tears were rolling down my face.

I lightly huffed and grabbed my bags.

"Just know I love you darlin."

"I love you too Link."

I walked off before I could change my mind. Once I got through TSA, I found a bathroom and silently broke down. Once I was done, I cleaned myself up and splashed some water on my face.

After the flight and I made it to my parents' house I talked with them for a while then went straight to bed. I hope I am making the right choices by giving Link some time to think about everything.

Much Love!!

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