The News

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After sometime later Link first delivered the news to Rhett and then gathered everyone together. To say I was nervous would have been an understatement. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. 

There was chatter in the room before Link stepped onto a stool and quieted everyone down. 

"So, I brought everyone here to bring some news before rumors started to spread through the office. I have had someone special in my life as of lately. I would like everyone to remain as professional as we do around here. I would not like any hate either. I know there will be some talk, but I would like to remain a cool boss. I just felt it would be appropriate as I see this whole crew as my family and come forward with news. As many as you know about a month ago, we had a new writer come into the crew. Ana and I are going to pursue a relationship. We plan on talking briefly to the Mythical Beast into days video and I will be making a post on Twitter along with Instagram. I will also be saying something on Ear Biscuits and Dispatches with Myrtle Beach after I tell my dad and Nancy. I just hope everyone can respect not only me but Ana the same.", Link spoke. 

The crowd started the chatter again and I could feel eyes glancing at me. I wanted to run out of the room, but my body was frozen. 

"If there are any questions or concerns, please come to me. I want everyone comfortable, but I do want you all to know that Ana makes me happy. In my lifetime I've only felt this way one other time but there is someone far more special with Ana. Now everyone is dismissed, and we will start filming in an hour.", Link spoke once more before getting down off his stool. 

The crew grabbed Link and then me into a group hug. There were so many nice and positive things they said whilst hugging us. I was incredibly lucky to have a good crew to work with. Link was right we are all a family. They were happy for us and gave us their full support. 

The hour had passed, and they started filming. Link gave another speech on our new upcoming relationship and how he hoped everyone would support us. 

I sat in my chair with the rest of the crew that stayed around to watch filming. I couldn't keep my eyes off Link. He stole a few glances my way. 

Once they filmed the episode and then Good Mythical More Link found his way to me. I looked up at him and all my worries drifted away. One had found its way to my waist pulling me a little closer to him. There was just something about the way he looked at me or gently touched me that just melted everything away. 

"Hi darlin."

"H-hi", I stuttered. 

"We can go to your office or go get lunch. I'm sure it's all too much but the crew is behind us and have given their full support."

"I know"

I smiled at him. He started leading us to my office. His hand never left the small of my back. 

"Why don't you grab what you need, and we can go out for lunch. We can talk more about this future relationship."

I nodded and grabbed my bag. I felt at a loss for words. I knew Link wouldn't let anyone come between us or let anyone say anything negative about us. He was the kind of 'mature' I needed. From what I've seen so far, he knew how a woman should be treated. 

Once we made it to the restaurant and ordered our food. Link leaned over and grabbed my head to gain my attention. My eyes met his and I couldn't help but smile. 

"Darlin if you want to take this slow, we can. If you want to go ahead and give us a title, do it. I want you to be happy. If I have to wait years for you to be ready, then I will. You are what I want. I am not some young man who can't figure out what he wants. I've wanted you since you stepped foot into my office."

I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I wanted Link more than anything. It might take a little time for me to commit but I know that my heart wants him. My body craves him. 

"I think we should take a little time before we commit. I know what I want and it's you Link. I would just like to get to know you a little more."

"Of course, Darlin. When you are ready you just give me the word."

We spent the rest of lunch making small talk. After the workday had ended. Link carried my bag as we walked to my car. We shared a passionate kiss before going our separate ways. I was now more excited than nervous about Link sharing the news. I couldn't wait to get to know Link and watch our future relationship grow. 

I am cranking out new chapters as much as possible. I have so many ideas and I want to get them out as soon as I can. Hopefully everyone who is reading thus far is enjoying it. 

Much Love!!

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