Under her spell

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Chapter 7

The enchanting wedding ceremony commenced with the grace of a waltz, mirroring the couple's rhythm. It was not their first time dancing together, as they effortlessly glided across the floor, their hearts entwined. In such a short time, their hearts had forged an unbreakable bond.

Her father's face displayed a mixture of worry and concern, for this was not the dream he had envisioned for his precious princess. He had never imagined that she would enter into a hurried marriage with a stranger, all in an effort to rescue him from ruin.

Robert stepped forward, extending his hand to his princess, requesting the traditional father-daughter dance. With a hint of reluctance, Amor acquiesced, placing her hand in his. She longed for the warmth of his embrace once more.

"My beloved daughter, forgive this old man who failed to protect your inheritance, leaving you no choice but to marry someone you hardly know, all to shield us from humiliation."

"Don't ever say that, dad! I am your daughter, and you declined my offer to save the company with my own funds. Instead, you chose to sell half of it. But through this marriage, the company shall remain ours. I promise, I will restore our company to its former glory and return it to you and Mom. Because it is you who created it, and you deserve to possess it. Marrying a man you love is not a sacrifice, father. In this, I am your daughter. You did the same twenty-eight years ago when you married the Spanish tourist who came to explore the beauty of Xochimilco. Back then, you crafted exquisite silver jewelry for the tourists."

"Those were different times, mi hija, my little one,"

"Love is the same, my dearest Papa, for I am deeply infatuated with him," she confessed, baring her soul to her father. Her heart would skip a beat whenever she laid eyes upon him, to the point where she couldn't bring herself to move. It was as if she had been ensnared by the enchanting power of his gaze.

She was adorned in the same exquisite dress as before, but this time her hair, a cascade of wavy auburn strands, was devoid of a crown or a veil. It was simply held in place by a single clip, which emphasized the graceful elegance of her tresses.

As he drew near, his presence enveloped her, and he engulfed her in his strong arms. Despite standing at the same height, thanks to her heels, she felt small and delicate in his embrace. Her father could only hope that this man, who was as cold as ice in the world of business, would hold a warm place in his heart for Maya, whom he had raised with boundless love.

"I have missed you," he whispered, his voice filled with desperation, as if they had been separated for years rather than just a fleeting moment. Upon hearing his words, her heart fluttered with joy, thankful that she was not alone in experiencing this profound love.

Her hands gently rested on his chest, while his found solace on the small of her back, as they lovingly caressed one another. In that moment, the world around them became insignificant, and they were completely engrossed in each other's presence. They were the center of their own universe, captivated by the magic of their connection.

"I believe you must be weary, my beloved wife. Please forgive me for holding you so intensely," he tenderly apologized, guiding her to her seat. It was only then that she realized she had ceased to move, but he alone was responsible for the exquisite pain that now adorned her being.

Underneath, he cursed himself for his selfishness. But as soon as she sat down, he delicately placed her feet in his lap and began to massage them. Completely forgetting about anyone who might be looking.

"You remind me so much of my late husband, rest his soul. He used to do the same thing after we danced the night away," an elderly woman spoke, and they both smiled at her. Sarahi felt embarrassed and tried to stand up, but he wouldn't allow it.

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