dear Billy

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Margos POV

"Turn here." Max tells Steve as we're driving. I'm in the middle of Lucas and Max, in the backseat.
"Here?" Dustin asks Max and she nods. Max and I connect eyes but she quickly looks away. I know where we're going and that scares me. As soon as we make it to the cemetery, Max is out of the car, headed to Billy's grave. Lucas stops her and they talk for a minute. I'm not exactly sure what they were discussing but it looked intense, I'll have to ask her later. I decide I don't want to wait with the boys so I find a bench nearby. I can watch Max easily from here. I see her reading the note she wrote to Billy. A big part of me feels sad right now but I'm trying my best to hide it. I just know I need to give her space and let her talk to him. Plus, I'll be a sobbing mess if I see his grave again. I haven't visited Billy since I last yelled at him in the summer. Lucas sits next to me, our eyes still on Max.
"You know she's just going through a tough time. I wouldn't take anything she says too personal." I speak up about their conversation earlier.
"I don't, I just don't understand why she pushes me away." He replies.
"She's too afraid to see you get hurt as well. The less she acts like she cares, the less it'll hurt if you die too." I answer him. He directs his vision to the ground.
"Sorry, I know it's a lot but- Lucas interrupts me- " no, you're right. I get that." He says, I shake my head and give him a smile.
"She does care about you though. I know it may not seem like it but it hurts her to push you away. That's one thing we don't in common. I may need space and time at first but then I realize I need people more. She's just afraid, now more than ever." I say and he nods. We both look back at Max. Steve ran up to her, he's obviously ready to leave.
"He's probably trying to get us out of here." I say, stand up and start to walk to his car.
"Max! Max!" Steve yells making me turn around. Somethings wrong.
"Guys!" He yells and we all immediately run over there. Her eyes were almost fully white. She was in a trance, for real this time.
"Max?" I shout and hold her shoulders. It was hard to see her like this. It was odd, I've never seen anything like it. She wasn't budging at all. I kneeled in front of her and never stopped talking. I tried to remove the fact in my mind, that we were right beside Billy's grave. I begin to get sad. I can't loss Max, too. My eyes fill with tears, making my vision blurry.
"Max please, you have to come back." I say and hold her hands in mine. Dustin runs off to signal Robin and Nancy. The boys try and say her name many times and nothings working. I'm a crying mess once again but I decide to just talk to her. Maybe it'll help.
"Max, you're like a sister to me. I need you." I say, gliding my thumbs over her hands. Dustin comes back and throws cassette tapes in the middle of us.
"What's her favorite song?" He yells at us.
"Running up that hill." I quickly say, I'm not going ro question him now. Steve puts it in the player and puts it on Max's ears.
"Will this help?" I ask Dustin, full of tears.
"That's what Robin said." He shrugged and we turned our attention back to Max.
"Please work. Please work." I whispered. It was so difficult to see Max this way. Suddenly, she starts rising up into the air. I let go of her hands and watch her rise.
"This can't be happening." I say and stand up. I turn around and look at Billy's grave. Heavy tears fall from my eyes. I instantly remember his body being in the air, right before he died as well. I start slowly hyperventilating.
"Max please." I whimper out. Immediately after, she falls to the ground. Shocked, I gasp out loudly. Lucas collects her in his arms.
"I'm still here. I'm still here." Max says as she catches her breathe. I've never felt more relieved. I hug her tightly. Max is okay.


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