Chapter Four - Mockingbird

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"Will you just hold still!" I chuckle as Liam sticks out his tongue before going still once more. I concentrate on his dimple that makes it's appearance when he smiles. My hand continues to draw the last few little details as he shifts in his seat near me. "Make sure I look really handsome. Want to make sure the history books get an accurate description of my good looks." He teases as I look up from my sketch book, rolling my eyes at him. "So cocky" He raises an eyebrow at me. "I think you mean self aware and confident." He smirks throwing me off track from my drawing.

I set the pencil and sketchbook down on my lap as I give him my full attention. He leans forward closing more of the distance  between us. "I don't hear you denying that I'm ridiculously handsome."  That perfect eyebrow cocked again. I lean forward so there are only inches separating us now. "I think I've made it painfully obvious that I find you very....very attractive." A small smirk tilting the corners of my mouth. His eyes darting to look at my lips for a split second before coming back to look at my eyes. He starts to lean in right before I pull away pulling my sketchbook back up. "Now sit still I have one last section to finish or the history books will have a deformed Liam Mairi in their books." I order him. He chuckles the sound vibrating through me and settling into my bones.

When I finished I turn the sketchbook to face him as his mouth slightly drops open. "Thats.....Is that how you see me?" He wondered. A small blush explodes on my cheeks, I look at him as he studies my drawing of him. I bite my lip trying to figure out if this was a good or bad reaction. "I could be better. Maybe I should have done a little more...." His hands come to grip my waist as he pulls me closer to him, interrupting my ramble. He takes the sketchbook from my hand studying it like it was a portrait in a museum. "I know I joked about making me look handsome but......" he lets out a small content sigh looking up at me. "It's beauitful. The way you drew me. I'm so blown away right's perfect Wren." His smile took my breath away as I tried to reign in the stampede in my stomach.

The next day he spent the entire morning showing off my drawing of him. He was so proud of it. The startling reality that I have never had anyone be proud of me...proud of something I made. My chest filled with a warmth I've never known before. "You are something to be proud of, little bird." Ryuu soft murmur comes through our bond. "Sometimes I don't know how to handle people actually caring about me." I hear him chuff. "My offer still stands to kill them all." I roll my eyes at his offer. "We were having a beauitful moment for just a second."

"I vote Wren draws me next. Mairi was a warm up. When she draws me all of you will be brought to tears" Ridoc jokes as I turn my attention back to my friends. "Trust me Ridoc they'll definitely be crying over your ugly mug." Liam quips as everyone starts laughing. "Ohhhh Mairi's got jokes now?" He cocks an eyebrow his smile full of amusement.

We finally make our way to Battle Briefs, Liam pauses to let me take my seat next to Violet before taking his seat right next to me. We spent the next hour teasing one another subtly trying not to get caught.

Violet whispers something to me taking me off guard as I turn my attention to her. Liam takes my distraction as he goes to grab the pencil from my hand. He gets it away, my hand reaching out to grab his arm.

At my touch, I felt a rush of power hit me. My pupils dilate looking around my surroundings until I set my sights on the twenty foot high map of the Continent that was mounted to the back.

The map was far away from where we sat. This same map I normally struggle to see some of the details, was now so clear that I could make out every small mountain peak, lines, dots. It was like my eyes had become magnified.

"Wren?" Liam whispers. I didn't even realize my hand was still holding onto him. "Shields!" Ryuu shouts.

I quickly let go of Liam's arm slamming my mental shield's down cutting the flow of his power. Liam has a signet....He has a signet and hasn't told anyone. My eyes widen as I look at him, his eyebrows furrowed in worry. "You have a signet" I whisper.

Only For A Moment // Fourth Wing x OCWhere stories live. Discover now