Chapter Twenty Six - Friendly Benefits

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"Bodhi can't keep moving maneuvers for our section, or more teachers than Varrish are going to notice." I tell Violet on our walk towards Battle Brief, moving up the main staircase in a sea of black.

I'm grateful for Bodhi looking out for Vi and Andarna, in fact it makes my feelings for him even harder to deny. I'm worried about the repercussions constantly moving maneuvers will be. Varrish has proven he has no issues doling out punishment that go too far and I'm not about to lose him too.

"I agree with Wren." Imogen says next to me on my right.

"Tairn is going to the Empyrean about Andarna, but absolutely nothing can be done until she wakes from the Dreamless Sleep anyway." Vi explains while Imogen sighs.

"How are things with Xaden?" Imogen asks. My eyes almost bug out of their sockets. Vi caught herself from tripping up the steps.

"You want to talk about my relationship with Xaden now?"

"I'm only giving you however long it takes us to reach the Battle Brief room." Her face puckers like she tasted something sour. "So if you need, this is your chance, since I've noticed you're still icing your friends out, which is a mistake."

Suddenly I realize what an awful friend I've been to Vi. I'm not the only one that lost Liam, and yet I've acted like I am. I've been selfish, and even now all we talk about is my feelings.

"One, Xaden told me to keep my distance if I couldn't lie to them, and two, between the land nav course....which we failed....and his duty schedule, I think leadership is keeping us apart as a punishment for not producing Andarna. And it's coded, but he says the same in the letter he left on his bed for me." Violet explains.

"That's just weird" Imogen says, her brows furrowing as her gaze scans the hallway for threats.

"It is" vi says absentmindedly scanning the crowd just like Imogen and I. The problem with having multiple attempts on your life has you literally on edge just walking to classes.

"Honestly speaking separating the two of you would be my first move if I was in as position of power. On your own, you're both capable of terrifying things with those signets. Together? You're a fucking menace." I look over to Vi as she nods her head understanding where I'm coming from.

Realization dawning on me that Bodhi and I are the only other pair with mated dragons that were there for War Games.....we are also the only two from the group that have had more attempts on our lives than anyone else. Fucking bastards. Their going for the jugular.

"Kinda weird that he's writing you letters." Imogen interrupts.

"Why? I think it's....sweet." Vi says confused.

"Exactly. Does he strike you as a letters kind of guy?" She shakes her head. "He's not even a talking kind of guy."

"More like a choke you in bed and call you a good girl....." I say. Both girls whip their attention towards me. Imogen burst out laughing while Violet looks like I said the most unholy thing her precious ears have ever heard, when I know damn well they ruined her bedroom.

"Wren!" She shouts earning a few glances our way.

"This is why I love the shit out of you." Imogen says proudly wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Moving along. Xaden and I are working on our communication." Vi defends.

"You're eventually going to let him off the hook for keeping you in the dark aren't you?" Imogen shoots her a look that says she clearly thinks she should pulling two hairpins from her pocket. "Better answer quickly. We're almost there."

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