Chapter Twenty Seven - Don't Leave Me....Please

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The sobs that rip through my body after Ridoc leaves were slightly terrifying. I was a mixture of emotions. I liked sex with him but I also feel this wave of guilt. He wasn't heart hurts, like my chest is breaking open once more. He was my sun, and I revolved around him. But the guilt I feel isn't just because of what happened between Ridoc and's because a small part of me had wished it was Bodhi.

and that was truly terrifying.

"Moving on can be scary, little bird." Ryuu's voice floods through my mind.

"I'm so tired Ryuu...."

"I know...but you are strong." He reminds me.

"I don't want to be strong anymore."

"Liam will always be proud of you. Always." He assures me. My bottom lip wobbles.

"I cannot break...." I say but I feel that all too familiar tightening in my chest.

My words cut whatever string was holding me together. I lose control, my body overwhelmed with all the signets floating around me. It felt like I was in a kaleidoscope each one begging for me to use....I couldn't shut my mental shields. I had no control over my mind as I curl into a tight ball heart breaking sobs racking my body so violently.

One signet finds its way to me like it knows the darkness that sits heavy on my heart. Wisps of black shadow wrap itself around me. My own signet tugging at it before shadows envelope me in a blanket. I couldn't even care that Riorson had come....couldn't care if my friend took my advice or not. I just wanted to sleep....wanted to end all of this pain.

I thought I was getting better. It wasn't hurting thinking of him anymore....I felt happy and then all at once I wasn't anymore.

If this is what it feels like trying to move on then I don't want to. I can't.....I can't survive this.

My door bursts open but I don't move....don't care who it is. If it's another assassination attempt then I'll welcome it this time. At least then I'll see Liam again. I don't move between the sobs and the shadows I feel nothing but genuine heart break.

Strong arms wrap me up holding me against him. A hint of bergamot and vanilla surrounds me. Bodhi....

Pure terror fills my body but it's not my's his. He was terrified, the kind that will leave a permanent mark on his soul. One he will never forget...because of me, because I'm not strong enough to fight this.

"Wren....." his voice tries to break through the chaos inside my head. "Come back to me....please." he begs.

I try....I try so desperately to stop the pull on my mental shields but I can't. I just want it all to stop.

A scream rips through my body as pain starts to overwhelm me....the shadows have engulfed me now....seeping into my very veins taking me under....suffocating me. "Little Bird!" Ryuu shouts in my mind.

"You're burning out!" He shouts again in warning. "You cannot break....."

His words fade away as I follow the darkness......


Bodhi's POV

I could feel her, the moment the snap happened, the moment she broke. It was all consuming the pain, the fear, the sadness. It was all there overwhelming my senses.

"Wren...." I shout through our connection but she doesn't answer. Her iridescent light was darker.....mixed with shadows. Panic over takes me as I stand abruptly from my friends and bolt away without a word.

"Nuri...what's happened?" I question. Her voice filling my mind within seconds. "She is struggling with her feelings....Ryuu tried to help her.... Hurry Bodhi. You need to hurry."

I pick up my pace before making it to her door. I slam my fist against the hard oak but she doesn't answer...of course she wouldn't. I take a few steps back before I slam all my weight into her door busting it open.

Terror floods my veins. Shadows were wrapped around Wren as she laid curled up in a ball her body shaking with sobs. It took two strides before I wrap her in my arms. She doesn't even acknowledge that she's been picked up. "Wren" I say...nothing. "Come on Wren!" I shout. She still doesn't move...doesn't talk.

"Wren...." I call out through the bond but I'm met with silence once more. "Come back to me....please." I beg.

Her body was burning up....the heat radiating from her skin. She was gonna fucking die....she was going to burn out and fucking die.

"NURI! I need you to get Xaden.....tell Sgaeyl....please...." I plead. A soft chut sounds before our bond goes quiet.

The shadows darken around her as my stomach drops. Ryuu's soul rendering scream fills my mind and the skies above. It felt like my chest was ripping open....our bond was slowly becoming weaker......the pain was so overwhelming I couldn't break free.

Rushed footsteps sound in her doorway. "Oh Gods!" I hear Sorrengail cry out. I've never seen Xaden look so concerned before. "She's dying...." he murmurs before making his way towards us.

"Do something!" I shout at him.

He shakes his head, guilt flashing across his face. "I can't...."

"SAVE HER!" I shout again.

"Bodhi......I can't. There's nothing I can do." His words an apology. My eyes snap to a sobbing Sorrengail.

I look back down to see her beauitful face covered with shadows. I brush her curls back, as my own tears spill freely down my face. I can not lose her.

"Please don't leave me.....I love you...." I whisper between the shadows, my eyes fluttering shut as I lean down to kiss her forehead.

"Liam....." she whispers. My heart breaking even more.

The shadows start to slowly ebb away before she gasps for breath.

"Get her in the shower now" Sorrengail says rushing towards the small bathroom in the corner of Wren's room. I hear the water running as I stand with her in my arms making my way towards the shower. "Get in." She orders as I nod my head.

I step into the small shower, my breath catches at the freezing cold water. I place Wren under the stream. A scream rips from her chest in agony. The heat from her body was so overwhelming that even the cold water felt like it was turning into steam.

"Keep her under that water." Nuri orders.

I do what I'm told as I wait with baited breath. Her pulse starts to slow, her teeth clattering from the cold. She fights to breath....forcing her lungs to expand. Her eyes slowly open meeting my gaze. Shame flashes in her honey'd hues.

Sorrengail hands us a towel as I step out of the frigid shower with Wren. I slowly set Wren on her feet, my hands holding on to her as her legs wobbled. Violet helps peel off her sopping wet clothes, drying her off with the towel before slipping on dry clean ones. We help her walk to her bed, no words spoken as she sits down wrapping the blankets around her. She was still red from the burnout. Her cheeks a deep shade....

Xaden hands her some food as she forces herself to eat. We all watch her silently. I can't even let relief wash over me. My entire body is fried from terror and panic. What could have set her off? I try to make sense of everything lost in thought. Sorrengail crawls on Wren's bed wrapping her arms around her. Xaden and I just stand there silently watching Wren carefully.

"I saw him...." her voice barely a whisper. "Liam..."

My chest aches.

"I was ready to give up...." she admits before pausing. Her gaze lands on mine. "Until I heard you..." she says looking at me. Her eyes full of sadness. "I couldn't leave you...."

My heart fucking shatters.

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